24 janvier 2012

"Rest in Peace, Father...."

... I know that's not really necessary in a hobby's blog or maybe could be strange, but I would to share with you :

Dad is dead yesterday evening 23 January 2012....

I'm sad, very sad... just need to cry... and want to remember the man he was: 
a good man, simple and always nice: he never complained 
and he liked every one and was loved by every one!
It's also a bad new for my wife and my children!
I don't know if I'll paint in the next days and weeks... perhaps yes because I'm sure he would like that I do the things I like.... 
I will see, later !

So Rest in Peace, Dad: I love you!

. Je sais que ce n'est pas vraiment nécessaire dans un blog de hobby ou peut-être peut  être étrange, mais je voudrais partager avec vous que:
Papa est mort hier soir 23 Janvier 2012 ....
Je suis triste, très triste ... juste besoin de pleurer ... et me souvenir de  l'homme qu'il était: un homme bon, simple et toujours agréable: il ne se plaignait jamais
et il aimait tout le monde et était aimé de tout le monde! 
C'est  aussi une mauvaise nouvelle pour ma femme et mes enfants! 
Je ne sais pas si je vais peindre dans les prochains jours et semaines ... peut-être que oui, parce que je suis sûr qu'il voudrait que  je fasse les choses que j'aime ....
 on  verra, plus tard!

14 commentaires:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sure he is in a better place.

  2. Condolences, nice tribute mate

  3. My dear friend Pascal, deeply moved, I've read of your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. It's hard for me to express my feelings in words, but you should know you're not alone. I'm with you. Even if I did not know your father personally, I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my father a few years ago, so I know well how you feel. Take the time you need to process the pain and loss. I look forward to hearing from you sometime.
    In deep sympathy

  4. Our thoughts are all with you at this time.


  5. Thanks all of you!!
    I must go on because our life, my children, my wife and me, are very important.
    There's something of him in me.... and that's the more he'd given to me.
    I hope that now he "rest in peace"....

  6. I am sorry about your lost, Sam.


  7. I am also sorry for your loss, Pascal! And, as you say, you carry something of him in you!

  8. So sorry for your loss. Thoughts are with you!!

  9. Thanks !
    I know that he could be sad too... but very happy to hear all the nice words that everybody say about him!
    A Good man, always kind, always happy, always honest, giving love to all those who know him!
    I think he was a Holly Man!

  10. My deepest condolences. You are such a good son to love your father so well.

  11. Thanks all !! very nice! today was the burial ceremony: very hard but necessary ....
    @Anne: the only thing I'm sure is that he was a good father!

  12. Sam, thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my page today. I can't express how much that comment means to me. You are truly a good man.

  13. Sorry to hear about your dad Pascal. My deepest sympathy.

