07 janvier 2012

W.I.P. SIOUX Waterloo 1815

... This year, I didn't post new work!!!
I have some projects and some sets in progress, but nothing finished!!
I just can show some pictures of my next painted set: 

"The Sioux" from Waterloo 1815    (Plastic Soldier Review)

I showed one figure with a converted horse, 
but I'd almost finished the rest of the set:
one figure of each pose: 9 riders and 9 horses.
No conversion on the Indians, some little "changes" on the horses
The whole set
The 9 Indians
4 Indians
+ 5 Indians
...and 9 horses!!!!!!!!!
a closer picture of 4 horses
This one is a Palomino Horse, finished.


.... Cette année, je n'ai pas encore posté de nouveaux travaux!
J'ai quelques projets et quelques sets en cours, mais rien de fini!
Je ne peux montrer que quelques photos de celle-ci:
"Les Sioux" de Waterloo 1815

J'ai déjà montré ici un Indien avec un cheval avec une petite conversion, mais j'ai presque fini le reste du set: 
une figurine de chaque pose: 9 cavaliers et 9 chevaux.
Pas de conversion sur les Indiens, certains petits "changements" sur les chevaux

6 commentaires:

  1. Awesome work. Great little indians. I like your painting style, specifically your painting of the flesh tones. After seeing your Sioux I think I will buy this set next time.



  2. Thanks! for the flesh tone: quick way!
    just have some dark flesh ready in a pot, and I wash it with a GW orcin flesh and then a little drybrushing with light flesh.
    You can buy this set: a very good one in my opinion, much better than the IMEX one...

  3. Nice job, Sam. I remember this set. These Waterloo's Indians are very good.

  4. Oh these are sweet. You've done a spectacular job painting these. And these are miniatures, yet you've gotten so much detail in. I admire your work.

  5. Thanks!
    @Toma: yes a good set: the figures are well done and I love the horses: good sculpt on them!

    @Anne: YOU are very sweet! you know it's just a Work In Progress!
    I will try to reply at your questions: must have time for that!

  6. Incredible artwork! I wish I could paint 28mm figs with the same quality!! Cheers!
