29 mai 2012

MITHRIL : "The Fellowship of the Ring" (unpainted!!) and a question about the blog....

I just want to show us a small set I've bought on e-bay (14€ !!!!)
A  complete box, new !
I hope that I'll paint them soon.... (I'm dreaming!).
I love those Mithril miniatures: they have a particularly pretty look!
(... and I've bought some others which are awesome!... I will do a short review as soon I've them...)

Je veux juste vous montrer un petit set que j'ai acheté sur e-bay (14 !!)
Une boîte complète, neuve! 
J'espère que je vais les peindre bientôt .... (Je rêve!).
J'aime ces miniatures Mithril: elles ont un look particulier! 
(... Et j'en ai acheté quelques autres qui sont géniales! ... Je ferai une brève revue dès que je les aurai reçues ...)

I've too a question for you:
do you read my replies at your comments? 
if yes, how do you do ? (e-mail subscribe for example?.. other ways?)
 Do you think that it's useful for you or nice or superfluous or ......
Could it be better to reply at the next post, especially for the questions?

J'ai aussi une question pour vous:
lisez-vous mes réponses à vos commentaires?
si oui, comment faites-vous? (abonnement
e-mail par exemple? .. autres moyens?)
Est-ce que vous trouvez que c'est utile ou sympa ou inutile (!) ou....
Serait-ce mieux de répondre au post suivant, en particulier pour les questions?


37 commentaires:

  1. Next post seems to be the best way ...

    1. not sure if I read the other comments!
      I try to choose the better way for "giving life" on this little blog because it's really nice to share with others!
      No "ROBOT fighter", try to reply to everyone, etc...

      Thanks for your advice!

    2. There are more pictures of my Saxons: http://bennosfiguresforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=11369

  2. Des figurines particulieres dans cette gamme, j'en avais pas mal fut un temps. Le Gandalf est tres bon. Pour les commentaires, si j'attends une reponse ou si c'est quelque chose qui me tiens a coeur, je repasse par la suite.

    1. Je ne suis pas un fan de 28mm mais j'avoue que les Mithril et les GW du SDA sont pas mal ! (et je ne peux pas résister à l'appel de l'Anneau Unique!)
      merci de to avis: il semble que la majorité des personnes soit dans cette ligne-là!

  3. If people or me ask a question we usually come back to see if there was an answer.

    1. And every now and again you do reply Francis.

    2. You do too Anne! and I'm always surprised because I don't know how you can do so many things ! But it's nice !

  4. Unusual figures, they should look pretty cool when painted up. I always try and read replies if they are left, just by going back to the blog later that day or when you post a new blogpost I hit the "last post" link. I don't think answering questions in the next post is a good idea, because it just gets confusing.

    1. Thanks Ray!
      I try to reply to everyone, but I didn't know exactly if it was useful and how many friends read the responses !

    2. There you go!! I came back to see if you responded to my comment, and you did!! ;0)

  5. I hit the "subscribe by e-mail link", read the replies that come in and if there are any that are interesting I come back to the blog and have a look!

    1. That's what I do too, but sometimes it's difficult on the blogs which have 100 comments!

    2. Yes it is difficult to keep up at times! But just because I haven't left a comment doesn't mean I haven't visited.

    3. That's right! I don't comment too all the blogs I visite!
      (I do when I have something to say!)

  6. Very good looking figures!! :)

    Reply on the same post, it makes more sense

    1. Thanks David!
      It seems to be the best way, yes!
      (and for me, the easier way!!)

  7. These are some lovely figures Pascal and I'm looking forward to seeing these painted.

    I think it's best to reply when we comment and then we come back to see if you've responded.

    1. Thanks Anne !
      I think it's most important when we ask something because I suppose that we're waiting for a response, no?

  8. can't wait to see them painted.

    pascal if you get a gmail account it will email you (if you tell it to?) everytime there is a comment. I use it, it allows me to see which things I do are popular and which are not.

    1. I know Gowan! I have automatically all the comments in e-mail box!
      but for you? Do you "subscribe by e-mail" on the blogs you comment ? or other way?

  9. To visit is a response..wether a comment is left or not..and I visit a LOT of blogs / forums each day. I read all comments..if there is a question I will answer it..either underneath or go to the questioners blog and answer it there ( I assume everyone reads their own comments, as I do. )

    1. It seems that all the bloggers do like that!
      It's very interesting to read yet all your replies at a simple question: it gives sense at our respective vision of the Blog-World !

  10. Salut,
    Chouettes, les figurines.
    Pour les réponses, je regarde la réponse au commentaire d'avant chaque fois que je passe...je m'en vais donc regarder bientôt un John Wayne avec des géants...

    1. Les Mithril, j'y prends gout! j'aime bien le côté un peu naïf des Hobbits... et les autres sont plus bien sculptées et gréables à peindre!
      (ça me change du 1/72 en restant dans le monde de Tolkien!)

      ... c'est pas vraiment avec des Géants, mais J.W. est un Géant!

    2. Quelle déception...moi qui voulais faire un jeu de mot entre le géant John et les hobbits...bon, j'en ferai un autre plus tard!

  11. nice set Sam. Waiting for your paint! :-)

  12. Hello Pascal, That'S a nice figure set. Hope we can see the painted figures soon. I follow your comments by subscribing email and /or visiting your blog.

    1. Bruno: I'm waiting a new Master-work from you before!!
      I know that you are a loyal follower!

  13. Well: 15 comments and replies at the question!
    It's a lot!
    I'm now sure that you read the responses with your own way, so you can be sure that I'll do better henceforth!

    I think that the "direct" system for the comments is much comfortable for you and makes the comments easier and faster...

  14. Maybe a little late, but feel I'd like to say something. First, I have these figures (not the set, but the figures) :-D Painted :-D but I'm sure that you will make a very good job on them (in fact much better than mine) and second I don't have many comments and is terrible at following others so I can answer the questions and comments in one comment. Answering comments in the next post doesn't feel like a good thing. You maybe write about something totally different.

    1. ... don't know exactly what I will do with the Mithril figs! (and I've bought some others + a good range of GW LoTR ! crazy, I am!)

      For the comments, well I have about 10 comments by post (and mostly by the same friends!), so it's not very difficult to give a reply or answer at a question !

    2. if I can say my opinion, I find it absolutely correct answer to each comment. Personally I try to do it whenever I can, nevertheless it can happen or not having time "to be a bit distracted" at times. In any case, this can cause me a DELAY in an answer, never a NO response. Hello Sam :-)

  15. I think that this is my 1st response. I would like those Tolkien figures in 54mm! Lord of the Rings, book and films, got me thought a depressing time.

    1. Thanks Scott!
      I know that it's not your scale!
      MITHRIL do some 54mm and they seem to be very good:
      ... and very expensive! (I didn't some of them on e-bay with a Mitthril search...)
      I have also all the Kinder Surprise LoTR (found on e-bay), I will look at their size (they are quite big, maybe something like 54mm) and can be repainted easily (Paul did for me one Hobbit as a gift )
      Maybe I'll show them on my blog....

  16. That set looks awesome! Great purchase Pascal!

    Now and then I go back to the post I've made on a blog. Like I did now on your blog ;-D

