09 septembre 2012

Figures for MICHELE but problem with Photobucket!

I've a BIG problem with PHOTOBUCKET this night!!!!
impossible to access at the site!
I've finished the figures for Michele and I wanted to post some quick shots....
 but I've this message:

The action that you were trying to perform has failed.

It seems that they have a problem with the servor, I've found that on the  Photobucket Customer Support Home:

Hello Photobucket users,
The issues that we were seeing on the site over the past few days (503 error, images not showing up where linked out, gray boxes in the account or on the website, not being able to login, etc) have been fixed. Our engineers were able to rebuild the disk drive, and get the server up and running correctly.

Let us at support know if you are seeing any further issues in your account, or on the site.

Thank you for being patient while we worked to get that resolved. You're all amazing for bearing with us during this troublesome issue. 

so no pictures today! I'm sorry! maybe last night?
(but great new for Michele!)

(for the last pictures and more informations, look here)

Just for "fun", one picture (found on the web!) of a Covered Bridge (XVIIth century) I've seen during my short holidays:

it was used for the messenger pigeons
I will post some own shots soon! (when I will able to use the Photobucket!)

I hope that you had a nice Sunday and I wish you a good week!

6 commentaires:

  1. You can bring the pictures directly in from your Pictures folder on your computer. Just click on the insert picture tab where you're writing your blog and it has the option to upload from your own computer.

  2. Hope your problem evaporates soon. Nice bridge-pigeon trivia, thanks.

  3. Have a good week yourself Sam, I hope the photo issue is sorted ASAP!

  4. Fingers crossed the problem gets sorted soon.

  5. I just use picasa web albums and the blogger itself... also that is a cool looking bridge

  6. I swapped from photobucket to picasa as it's way more convenient to use from blogspot ;)
    Nice picture though! :)
