29 septembre 2012

"In The House of Tom Bombadil" (MITHRIL MV375)

I've finished the vignette!
(for more informations you can read the relative post:
now, Tom has his feather on his hat.... a very difficult choice !
I've some different informations about this feather: a jay one, a swan one or a kingfisher one !
 in "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil":
"Old Tom Bombadil was a merry fellow, bright blue his jacket was and his boots were yellow, green were his girdle and his breeches all of leather, he wore in his tall hat a swan-wing feather . He lived up under Hill, where Withywindle ran from a grassy well down into the dingle."
(many thanks  to Master Thingol and Master Milo of
 Many Mithril Pages , a very good forum for and with MITHRIL fans!)

and :
-a peacock feather in the first version of the poems but Tolkien changed it for a swan one and then tell how he obtain a kingfisher feather to ornament his hat!
Finally I've chosen a Jay one !! I hope that he will be happy!
 (but it was not easy to pick up a feather at this nice guy! fortunately, when he sleep, it's quite easier!)

To finish this post:
I've some more missed scenes to show about the LoTR movies
I planed to do some soon because I've found Mithril and GW figures for that.
.... but...
I think that for "The Hobbit" movie(s), I will have to do the opposite :
paint only the scenes from the Book!
I've decided to stop reading and posting informations the P.J. film because I not sure that I will able to see it in a cinema!

Many thanks to the new followers! I don't forgive you and I will add your blogs as soon as possible in my blog-roll !
And all my apologies for all the bloggers I usually follow: I don't have many time for visits and comments but I will do it , my friends, I will do it.....

30 commentaires:

  1. Very nice vignette, Sam! Uhh...I like the feathers from a Jay bird! It makes Old Tom look distinguished!

    1. thanks Jay!
      I'm happy that you are not angry for the robbed feather !

  2. Encore du beau travail comme toujours.

  3. very nice, you should think about creating a nice diorama with these beautiful figures! Ciao

    1. Thanks Michele, but I'm not a diorama maker, not enough time for that!

  4. very nie figures, love them hobbits... I have read these books and nearly all the other Middle earth related books except for the ones that were just tolkiens first unrefined ideas, I did read unfinished tales though and tales from the perilous realm. the only thing is.... Yellow boots? but I guess he is in his home and so is not wearing his best, that he seems to wear when we would wear our oldest and hardiest cloths, this diorama suggests that he wears his most utilitarian cloths when he should wear his finest and vice-versa... but knowing his character that is not a surprise :-)

    1. Thanks Gowan ! I think that I will ask for your help for the LoTR documentation!
      Your explanation about how he was dressed is not a surprise.

  5. Very nice vignette, Sam! The photos are very good too!

    Greetings from Brazil!


    1. Thanks Mauther!
      I think that I've found an easy and quick way for doing photos...even when I don't have a good background!

  6. A tremendous achievement Sam, beautiful work.

  7. Great work! And a great composition too. I'm glad they left Tom out of the films, The chapters in the book with him in it bored me to tears!

    1. Thanks Ray
      When you missed a character, it's a choice, but I like the poesy of Tom and Goldberry and regret that they are not present in the movies!

  8. lovely work, Samwise, what's in those bowls around the lady?

    1. Thanks Dezmond!
      in the bowls, on her hairs and hands, there are water lilies .. or it should be water lilies, because Tolkien wrote that they are her favourite flowers...

  9. Very nice. I think the second picture is my favorite.

    1. Thanks Sean!
      it's mine too, even I like also the one with Sam looking Goldberry as he see a fairy or someone magic!

  10. Really great!! I´ve never seen a figure of goldberry before..excellent.

    1. Thanks Paul!
      GW have done one too, but completely different :

      but MITHRIL have done many others :

  11. Baie d'or et Tom Bombadil...toute ma jeunesse! Merci de leur redonner un peu de vie...

  12. Very nice scene and lovely painted figures! You've done a good job Pascal.

  13. Really love your work on the Mithril figures! I think I will wait before I take that mass-photo of my Mithril-hordes, yours are so much better painted!

    1. Thanks Gunnar !

      but all works are good as far you have fun with them! show your MITHRIL , and I will show all my collection of unpainted figures !
