28 novembre 2012

Liebster Blog Award !!!!!!!

I've got one !!!!!! from Ni. Tchirititch ("Nowwhere to Lead Soldiers")   

Please, just read his description about my humble blog:

"This one is not a wargaming blog nor is it dedicated to 28mm figures, rather than that, it displays jewels of medieval and fantasy in 20mm, and some superb oldschool Mithrill miniatures of the LotR. I am always moved by the poetry of Sam's approach. Unique to my point of view."
I don't know if he's right but it's so nice !

If you don't know what is this Award :

"The rules:
 - "Copy and paste" the award on your blog, and talk about it a bit.
- Select for the award your five favourite blogs with less than 200 followers, leaving a comment on one of their post to notify them that they have won the award. You need also to list them in your own blog.
- Enjoy the moment, knowing that you have just made someone's day.
- Of course, there is no obligation to pass the award, but it is a good deed really."

I will post my own list in a next post because I must have time to choose the 5 ones:
very hard to do ! (I have "just" 90 followers and more that I follow !)
5 is not a lot when I see all the great blogs I like .......

MANY THANKS Ni. (Nikolai?) !!!

14 commentaires:

  1. well done my friend oh and happy Hobbit day!

  2. Good for you Sam! I love your blog, Sir!

  3. are fully agreed about this nice recognition, fully deserved Sam!

  4. The description of your blog was an apt one Samwise. Congratulations!!

  5. Very well done Sam, a richly deserved award.

  6. I'm with Anne - great description!
    You deserve it! Congrats.

  7. Eloges absolument méritées. Continue à nous enchanter !

  8. Thanks all of you for all your very nice comments!
    Merci à tous pour tous vos commentaires très sympa !

  9. You really deserved that! Great description too! Huge congratulations!
