28 décembre 2012

"The Hobbit" (5) : BEORN (MITHRIL M233)

Another step in my Hobbit-Quest: Beorn, the "Bear-Man" !
A strange character who helps a lot Bilbo and the dwarves during their travel.
I've chosen again a Mithril figure: more I paint them and more I like them!

“(...) He [Beorn] is a skin-changer. He changes his skins : sometimes he is a huge black bear, sometimes he is a great strong black-haired man with huge arms and a great beard. (...)”

“(...) [Beorn] C'est un changeur de peau. Il change sa peau : parfois c'est un énorme ours noir, parfois un homme fort et de grande taille avec d'immenses bras et une longue barbe. (...)”
J.R.R.Tolkien, Bilbo the Hobbit / Bilbo le Hobbit, Chap. 7.
 Beorn lived alone, out of the way from civilization, somewhere between the Misty Mountains and the Black Forest near the Carrock and did not seek the society of curious. It is said that he spent day and night in his human form or in his bear form wandering and seeking honey, or hunting Goblins and Wargs. His fellows were animals which were fully committed (like dogs for example).
 Beorn vivait, seul, à l'écart de toute civilisation, quelque part entre les Monts Brumeux et la Forêt Noire près du Carrock et ne recherchait pas la compagnie des curieux. Il est dit qu'il passait le jour et la nuit, sous sa forme humaine ou sous sa forme d'ours à vagabonder en cherchant du miel et en chassant les Gobelins et les Wargs. Il n'avait pour seule compagnie que ses animaux qui lui étaient entièrement dévoués. 

28 commentaires:

  1. hola
    Buena escena y buena figura
    las figuras e mitril la verdad es que son muy bonitas.
    un saludo y feliz 2013

  2. Very nice work, Sam! The earthy colors are perfect for this woodland scene. Now that's a big ax!!

  3. Figurine, peinture, couleurs et mise en scène, tout est parfait...

    1. merci!
      Parfait? que nenni! mais j'essaie d'améliorer ma peinture, avec cette échelle, c'est plus "facile" de travailler son coup de pinceau, je trouve.

  4. Hello Sam
    Comme dit Phil Figurine, peinture, couleurs et mise en scène, tout est parfait...
    Bravo !!
    Meilleurs voeux ;)

  5. Lovely fig. have you got the bear version? When reading the book I tried to imagine how he changed from one to the other...I decided a sort of blur would be good..
    I´ll have to wait and see what P.J does with this.

    1. I don't have yet the bear version yet.
      Some others beornids are more like bears in their human form.
      P.J.? not sure that it will be so good and I didn't see the movie because in my town, I can't have the 2D version!

  6. Really nice figure and beautiful photos. Good job.

  7. Never heard of him but he's turned out great mate.

    1. It's just an important character of the book !

  8. Lovely figure Samwise. Nice brushwork on the musculature.

    1. Thanks Anne!
      I try to work better with the highlighting!

  9. very nice work sam... Beorn was one of my favourite characters and you painted him up almost exactly as I thought he woulod look. then again how else you a bear man look?

    nice work I am planning to see the movie for my birthday, I hope P.J does not mess it all up then again I am ready for slight dissapointment if the portrayal is enjoyable

    1. Thanks Gowan!
      For me, it's a good figure!
      I didn't see the movie yet, but I will do and maybe write a review here?

  10. Et le voilà donc. Je trouve la fig un peu "maigrelette" par rapport à l'idée que je me fais de Beorn. Mais les couleurs sont parfaites !
    Bon travail encore une fois !

    1. Merci l'ami!
      un peu maigrelette?
      attends que je la mette à côté des autres (surtout d'un pauvre petit Hobbit!) .

  11. Very nice work and pictures. Your painting skills improves very fast! Keep on your good work.

    1. Thanks Bruno!
      I don't know if I improve but I do my best for that!

  12. Very nice work Sam!!

    Are these Mithril miniatures the same size as GW LoTR miniatures?

    1. many thanks Alcidas!
      they are not the same size: MITHRIL is about 30/32mm and GW is 28mm, but I think that some could be good together: I will try to do a comparative post soon!
      (What is sure is that Mithril Hobbits are really very smaller than the GW ones!and that's logic..)

  13. now you are very good Sam! this fig is SUPER , the setting very suggestive

    1. thanks Michele!
      I was thinking that I WAS good before this one !!!

  14. Great job, Samwise, and I always like the settings you make for your figures! Really professional.
    He kinda reminds me of King Hyperion from IMMORTALS with his beard :)

    1. Thanks Dezzz! professional?? oh! no certainly not!
      I just try to do something as good as possible and have fun!
