07 janvier 2013

"The Hobbit" (7) Gollum (GW)

I can't miss this important character of the Books (both "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Ring" !) It's an Hobbit (not the same group than the Shire's Hobbits ) and his real name is Smeagol. It's difficult to write all his history here, but I add some links to descriptions (in English and in French).

This time it's a GW figure, because I didn't have a Mithril one when I started this project...
I've got one since  and maybe I will paint it too: interesting for another comparison!
In fact, here, it's the Gollum of "The Lord of the Rings": he has scars on his back and looks exactly like the Gollum of the Movie.
Je ne peux pas rater ce personnage important des livres (à la fois «The Hobbit» et «Le Seigneur des Anneaux"!) C'est un Hobbit (pas le même groupe que les Hobbits de la Comté) et son vrai nom est Sméagol. Il est difficile d'écrire toute son histoire ici, mais j'ajoute quelques liens vers des descriptions (en anglais et en français).
 Cette fois, c'est une figure GW, parce que je n'avais pas de Mithril quand j'ai commencé ce projet ...
J''en ai eu une depuis et peut-être que je vais la peindre aussi: intéressant pour la comparaison!
En fait, ici, c'est le Gollum du "Seigneur des Anneaux": il a des cicatrices sur son dos et ressemble exactement au Gollum du film.

"(...) he could not strike this thing lying in the dust, forlorn, ruinous, utterly wretched. He himself, though only a little while, had borne the Ring, and now dimly he guessed the agony of Gollum's shrivelled mind and body, enslaved to that Ring, unable to find peace or relief in life again. But Sam had no words to express what he felt."

"(...) il ne pouvait frapper cet être couché dans la poussière, abandonné, délabré, totalement misérable. Lui-même, encore qu'un petit moment seulement, avait porté l'Anneau, et maintenant il devinait vaguement l'angoisse de l'esprit et du corps raccornis de Gollum, asservis par cet Anneau, incapables de jamais retrouver la paix et le soulagement dans la vie. Mais Sam n'avait pas de mots pour exprimer ce qu'il sentait."
J.R.R.Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings / Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Book / Livre 6, Chap. 3.

 For more informations:

(I don't mention links to Wikipedia : I think that it's easy to find !)

and another link to an excellent "Fan-Movie": (If I remember, with both English and French versions)
"The Hunt for Gollum" 

And a special mention for a new Blog (in french) of my Member n° 100 : Sébastien where you will see superb Tolkien's works (GW and MITHRL) of him and his wife Séverine:"spirit-lotr86"

21 commentaires:

  1. Réponses
    1. Thanks Master Lee!
      Gollum is a strange creature, maybe the more fantastic in the Tolkien's work ....

  2. Trés bon travail , j'aime bien ce My precious ;)

    1. Merci Monsieur Vincent!
      le travail sur la peau laisse à désirer: je ne crois pas que je ferai comme ça pour un autre Gollum.

  3. Excellent Samwise! The pose on this figures is perfect and you've done a great job of painting him up. I like the pic where you have Frodo coming up on him.

    1. Thanks Mistress Anne!
      I like the pose too! typically "gollumish" !
      Hey, it's not Frodo, it's supposed to be Bilbo ! (but I must admit that almost all the Hobbits of the Mithril range are the same!)

  4. J'aime beaucoup...un travail splendide et précieux...

    1. Merci Phil!
      excellent jeu de mots: je le garde, il est trop précieux!

  5. Really well done! Nice figure, top painting and very nice pictures. Like Anne, I like the picture with Frodo and Gollum. Keep on your good work.

    1. Thanks Bruno... but so much compliments makes me blush.

  6. Super, Sam! For me, this is your best work yet. You really dialed in the color realism in this model.

    1. Hey Jay!
      thanks, but I'm not sure that you didn't have say before that it's my best work!

      I imagine Little Chizzy meeting such a creature!

  7. very nice work. gollum looks very sad and yet evil.

  8. Excellente peinture. Tu t'es réellement surpassé sur ce pauvre Gollum. Félicitations !

    1. Merci mon ami!
      je n'ai pas fait vraiment une grande oeuvre d'art, faut pas exagérer...

  9. Superbe !!!!!!
    Belle finition et très belle photo.

    1. Merci Séb ! Je vois que tu as trouvé le moyen de poster un commentaire!

  10. As always, your pictures are wonderful! I love Bilbo walking towards Gollum! And good to see Gollum!

  11. Not my favorite person in the book, but you did a great job on painting him!
    Go on Pascal!

