29 mars 2013

"The TLNW News": Some Great News !!!!!!

Hi dear readers of The TLNW News !
We have met the Director and Producers of  TLNW !!!
I can't give all the the informations about this meeting, but I can tell that it's incredible!

1-Sam's Minis World has been chosen for doing the Scenery, Figures and pictures  for the Project!
2-Sam Wise has been also required for being the web-master of TLNW official Blog!!
3-The Introduction will be posted very soon in the official Web-site !
4-and I can finally reveal the meaning of "TLNW":

Salut chers lecteurs de The TLNW News!
Nous avons rencontré le réalisateur et les producteurs de TLNW!
Je ne peux pas révéler toutes les informations au sujet de cette réunion, mais je peux vous dire que c'est incroyable!
1-Sam's Minis World a été choisi pour faire les paysages, les figurines et les photos pour le projet!
2-Sam Wise a également été requis pour être le webmestre du blog officiel de TLNW!
3-L'introduction sera publié très prochainement sur le site Web officiel
4 - .... et je peux enfin révéler la signification de "TLNW":

The official Web-Site will be there: "The Lost New World"

(For far as I know, the Story is wrote in French, so I don't know if I will try to do a translation or just add a translator on the blog.  What's your opinion?
Pour autant que je sache, l'histoire est écrite en français, donc je ne sais pas si je vais essayer de faire une traduction ou tout simplement ajouter un traducteur sur le blog. Quel est votre avis?)

26 commentaires:

  1. Easier to just use the translator, although sometimes you'd could lose the sentences in translation.

    1. You're right Ray! not a good solution, when I read what it's going with a translator, I'm afraid!

  2. sounds exciting, SamWise, Big congrats!

  3. Je me suis inscrit je vais te suivre Sam ;)

    1. Merci Vincent... va falloir que j'arrive à suivre aussi!

  4. I'm following you too on the new blog. I don't know what to say on the issue of the translator. Oftentimes when I go to a blog that has one, the translator doesn't work. You could try it both ways and do what works best for you.

    I'm putting the new blog on my blogroll as well.

    1. thanks Anne!
      sometimes the translator gives me some help, but sometimes not...

  5. Follwed and added etc. No translator..it´ll make me learn French better :-D

    1. Thanks Paul!
      I think that I will do both:
      translator (for everyone)+ my own translation in English.
      Lot of works, but I want to do something very important and maybe quite ambitious.

  6. I'm now a follower too. Let's update my knowledge of the french language.


  7. Great news! I'm have been photographed and finger printed and initiated into the TLNW. Ah, this is a very nice place. Even better if they spoke English. (:0)>

    1. Sorry Jay... but I will use mainly a correct French and maybe my bad english!

    2. Your painting genius and ability to pose your characters in dramatic scenes and photograph them expertly will make the meaning of the story very clear to me. Bring it on!

    3. thanks Jay!
      the only problem is that there will be a great "blabla" so I think that I will try to do an English translation.... maybe not worth than the GOOOOGLE translator ...

  8. Sounds great Sam. I'd go for the " add a translator",but then I am lazy!!

  9. Went over and followed. The translator on the side should be fine.

  10. Commentaire tardif, mais enthousiaste :-)
    Je m'abonne bien sûr !!

  11. I have a Google tool bar installed on my PC which translates automaticily with out any problems.
