06 août 2013


I can't begin the presentation of my Hobbits in another way than showing first the women !
I've painted one before : "Female Hobbit Scout" (M445)
but those ones are different because they are civilians: 
Je ne peux pas commencer la présentation de mes Hobbits d'une autre manière que de montrer d'abord les femmes! J'en ai peint une auparavant: "Female Hobbit Scout" (M445)
mais ceux-là sont différentes parce qu'elles sont des civils:

1- Rose Cotton (Gamgee) and Goldilocks (M357):

  "Rose "Rosie" (Cotton) Gardner: (2984-F.A - 61). . Rosie was a long-time friend of Samwise Gamgee, and they were married in 3020 when Sam returned home after the War of the Rings. Sam and Rosie had thirteen children (Elanor, Frodo, Rose, Merry, Pippin, Goldilocks, Hamfast, Daisy, Primrose, Bilbo, Ruby, Robin, Tolman (Tom)). Many were named after Sam and Rosie's friends and relatives. Among them were Elanor the Fair, Frodo Gardner, and Goldilocks. Rosie died in the year 61 of the Fourth Age. Sam then left Middle-earth for the Undying Lands later that year."
 (from Wikipedia)

"I think the simple 'rustic' love of Sam and his Rosie (nowhere elaborated) is absolutely essential to the study of his (the chief hero's) character, and to the theme of the relation of ordinary life(breathing, eating, working, begetting) and quests, sacrifice, causes, and the 'longing for Elves', and sheer beauty."
-J.R.R Tolkien in letter dated 1951

"Rose" Rosie "( Cotton  ) Gamgee:. (2984-FA - 61) .. Rosie était une amie de longue date de Sam Gamegie, et ils se sont mariés en 3020 quand Sam est revenu à la maison après la guerre des Anneaux Sam et Rosie eu treize enfants (Elanor, Frodon, Rose, Merry, Pippin, Goldilocks, Hamfast, Daisy, Primrose, Bilbo, Ruby, Robin, Tolman (Tom)). Beaucoup ont été nommées d'après Sam et Rosie ses amis et parents. Parmi eux se trouvaient Elanor l'Fair, Frodon Gardner, et Goldilocks. Rosie mourut en l'an 61 du Quatrième Age. Sam a ensuite quitté la Terre du Milieu pour les terres Immortelles plus tard cette année ".

2 -Mrs Maggot (LR26 b)

Mrs Maggot is simply the wife of the well-known Farmer Maggot ! I'm sure that there are some delicious mushrooms in her arms for the Hobbits!
Mme Maggot est tout simplement la femme du célèbre Père Maggotte! Je suis sûr qu'il y a des champignons délicieux dans ses bras pour les Hobbits!

3-Female Hobbits (M323)

They are not special characters of the Tolkien's works, simple Female Hobbits!
The one on the left is referenced as "A-Housewife" and the one on the right as "B-Adventurer" !
I think that the "housewife" is jealous of the brave adventurer!

Ce ne sont pas des caractères spéciaux des œuvres de Tolkien, que de simples hobbits Femme!
Celle de gauche est référencée comme "A-Housewife" et celle de droite comme "B-aventurière"!
Je pense que la "femme au foyer" est jalouse de l'aventurière!

4-Female Hobbit and Children (M59)

That's all folks for today ! more to come soon !!

But I also want to say a Great Good Bye 
at "Jay Miniature Enterprises"
Jay, the so nice Master Jay-di,  has closed his Blog because of an attack on his blog from a hacker who has invaded his computer !
I copy there his last message on his blog because I'm sure that many of you didn't read it :
"Greetings friends and followers: I will be closing my blog asap. Someone has invaded my blog, and my PC is making life not so much fun. I will miss you, my friends. Your comradery, encouragement, and helps have made my model-blogging a most wonderful time. Enjoy! I will! (with out Blogger!) "

We all think of you, my dear Jay ! May the Force always be with you !
Your Padawan-Sam

16 commentaires:

  1. They look great. Will you do all the charcters from LotR?
    Shame about Jay. Hopefully he can come back when things are sorted.

    1. Thanks Paul !
      the whole collection ??
      Hobbits = yes !

      for the other ones, I don't know ... maybe yes for the main characters + a lot of Orcs, but I don't have Trolls, neither the Balrog and maybe some knights, soldiers,cavalry etc...
      In fact, I don't want to collect them all: just the ones I like!

  2. Trés belles figurines Sam , bon choix des couleurs .
    Salutations .

    1. Merci Vincent !
      dieu sait pourtant que j'aurais encore bien du travail à faire sur certains détails: les photos en gros plan sont impitoyables...

  3. Those are so charming Sam Wise. The Mithril figures best represent the characters in the book I think.

    I missed Jays final post and this is the first I know about it. He is such a nice fellow and this is sad news indeed.

    1. Thanks Anne !
      (I'm afraid because it seems that you never has received the ones that I've send to you !!! Maybe a bad packaging or something like that ...)

      Bad, very bad new for Jay! I really like this guy and something is missing now in my own blogosphere ... sad ...

  4. pesky little Hobbitses :) Nice work, Sam Wise!

    1. Thanks Dezz!
      small but great are the Hobbits: the Force is with them!

  5. Thirteen children?? You have been busy after your adventures, Mr Sam Wise! :-D
    Lovely painted female Hobbits my friend!

    I hope Jay will come back soon with his adventures! We can only give him some virtual support!


    1. Thanks Peter! 13 is not a lot! magic number, exactly the same than the Dwarves in the Hobbit !

      I'm sure that Jay will be happy to read all the comments of supporting fellows ....

  6. Réponses
    1. Thanks Michael!
      Fortunately, in real life I've only 2 children ..

  7. Howdy, Palawan! The dastardly dragon has been slain! I have slipped back into blogging.

    Your model-painting is very well done.

    Your friendship is second to none, Pada Sam.

    1. Thanks Master J-Di !
      I'm so happy for you: the best new of the day!
      Friendship is all what we can give without damage...

  8. Very interesting group of figures. Best, Dean
