07 septembre 2013

"HURON HUT" (BUM #2007)

Some times ago, I've made a review of this set (here) and I've painted some parts of it.
Just the Hut and 2 Hurons + a big pile of trunks. The rest of the set is waiting.... not sure that I will paint it.

(I've used the scenery that I've done before for "The Lost New World" .)

Il ya quelque temps, j'ai fait une revue de ce set (here) et j'ai peint certaines parties. Juste la cabane et 2 Hurons + un gros tas de troncs. Le reste est en attente .... pas sûr que je vais le peindre.
(J'ai utilisé le décor que j'ai fait
auparavant pour 
"The Lost New World" ).

17 commentaires:

  1. The vignette looks very nice. I'm still not sure I would buy any more BUM sets as I did not like the ones I had and the figures mostly don't appeal to me. You have shown that they can be made to look nice.

    1. Thanks Sean!
      BUM sets are very expensive and I don't know if it's always a good deal!
      I'm happy with the Trappers, (even if they don't trap a lot!) and the RCMP. I will see if I buy some other sets, not sure!

  2. Nice work Sam, what a great looking roundhouse!

  3. Très belle hutte, très belles photos, et très beau sol!

    1. Merci Phil!
      pour le sol, je récupère tous les petits bouts qui trainent sur la table, + du sable + morceaux de bois + persil séché écrasé etc... ça fait un assez sol de forêt pour pas cher!

  4. Beautiful diorama! The whole scene is very well designed and modeled. Heh, you've definitely had a jolt of the Force lately, Sam!

    And...the banner is cool!

    1. Thanks Jay! For the scene, err... I hope that there's no copyrights on the "Jay Miniatures Enterprise" way !

      Thanks for the compliment about the banner: I was tired of the old one, and this one was just a trail.
      I Think that I will change sometimes..

  5. That's good work Sam and I like what you've done to the blog!

  6. Very nice. and The new blog banner Looks very good.

  7. such a beautiful setting, Sam Wise!

  8. Very nice Sam. You really got the "feel" for the scene.


  9. You gave it a real natural look! Great work Pascal!

