25 février 2014

Pirates Island : Boat and Ship and more !

What's happening at Pirates Island ??
some guys are waiting something but what ??

 oh ! a Ship is coming !!

It's time to use the new small boat :

some pictures of the making-of and the original stuff before conversion and painting :

and I've another ship (bigger and better for 1/72 !) to paint :

-The Large Ship is a toy-ship and the little boat is converted from a boat found in a charity-shop.
-The Pirates are from "Germania Figuren"    which have an excellent range of Caribbean Pirates !
I've to add some oars to the pirates...but before find them !
I don't want to glue them because I think that this boat could have many uses... and I will try to add a removable mast and sail, a little bit like in the "Zvezda Medieval Boat".
-The pontoons are scratch-built and removable, so they can have several uses and places.


40 commentaires:

  1. Superbe Sam ! J'aime ces pirates !
    A bientôt .

    1. Merci Vincent ! de bien belles figurines !
      va falloir que je sorte mon Dremel tout neuf pour percer les emplacements des rames .... tout un programme !

  2. Sam that is absolutely superb! I love see how it was created from such humble beginnings to something of wonder.

    1. Thanks a lot Michael !
      I've seen similar toy-ships re-painted on a blog but can't re-find where exactly !

  3. Great work! I should look out for similar ships for my pirates to loot.

    1. I'm not the first who makes that !
      I would like to find where I've seen them ...
      this one is underscaled for 1/72 (maybe good for 10/15mm ?) but the other will be perfect for my favourite scale ...

  4. Hola
    Buena esa escena de piratas,tiene una buena pinta
    un saludo

  5. Beautiful work, Sam. All of it! The large ship is an amazing work of transformation, sir. I wait for more.

    BTW, these are extremely brave soldiers who row out to a ghost ship!

    1. Thanks Master J ! only painting work on the large ship.

      Yes, they are very courageous: and note that they don't have any weapons and oars !!
      Brave or crazy ? that's the Question !

  6. Arr maties, that’s some fine sea dogs and scenery you have there. But, I want to know. Where hees the gold?

    1. ... I don't know if I should say "thanks!", Jan !
      you're only interested with my treasure ... com'on and you will have problems with some guys hidden somewhere in the Island ...
      (like I've no name for my boats : maybe "Sea Dog" and "Ol'Ferris" could be fine ? what do you think ?)

    2. Wonderful names for yea ships and boats there my matie!

  7. On s'y croirait! Très beau travail...

    1. Merci Phil !
      ouaip mais maintenant je suis condamné à peindre des pirates ce qui n'était pas dans mes projets immédiats....

  8. Where is the rum? I don't see bottles! :-D
    Excellent work Pascal! Love them!


    1. The rum is coming and a lot of stuff for the Island.
      Maybe a place to drink something and some pretty girls for the fun !

  9. Great looking work Sam! I look forward to seeing what you do with the larger ship in the last photo - those deck guns look as though they would be perfect as guns for a shore battery!

    Ion is currently making me some merchant ships for my pirates to chase, i will post them once he gives them to me!

  10. Thanks Brian !
    I've seen some other similar ships in another blog but can't remember which one ! oups and grrrrrr !

    For the large ship, I've not planned to do it in the next weeks but I think that I will paint it more quickly !

    The guns will be removed for sure and replaced with some others.
    Coastal battery ? good idea !
    Merchant ships is a good idea! Let me know when they will be on your blog !

    1. Hi Sam,
      You might be thinking of this:

      I will certainly be posting my new Merchant ships once I get them from Ion.

    2. oups !! yes it was this post !! sorry !
      I will link it in my next post and I'm waiting the merchant ships!

  11. Sympa tt plein. C'est qu'elle échelle ? Tjs en 15?.

    1. Merci !
      jamais de 15mm pour moi !
      1/72 pour les figs, pas d'échelle pour les bateaux.... peuvent peut-être convenir pour differentes échelles...

  12. Very very nice Sam! Most impressed!

  13. Pirates!! Arrr!!!
    (Sorry about that...)

    Very nice scenario and minis!!

  14. I really like that ship but especially those pirates, great work Sam.

  15. Très beau travail de transformation sur le bateau. Bravo

    1. Merci François !
      si c'est du petit dont tu parles, ça m'a demandé beaucoup de temps et d'inventivité, surtout pour le gouvernail pour qu'il s'ajuste à peu près au barreur .... mais je suis plutôt content du résultat !

  16. Mais ... c'est mon bateau pirate !
    Joli travail en tout cas. J'attends de voir ce que tu feras pour les rames, je n'ai pas encore essayé pour mon bateau de Laketown...

    1. Ah bon, tu as le même ??
      Ta femme m'en a pas parlé !

      Pour les rames, je vais en prendre des toutes faites , ce sera plus simple ! (je dois en avoir avec un bateau)
      Sinon, je ne sais pas comment je ferais ....

      et Merci !
