22 avril 2014

"RUN SHADOWFAX ! RUN !!!" ..... in memoriam.

Maybe you know that the beautiful horse who played "Shadowfax" in the LoTR movies is dead in April 2014. His name was Blanco.
In memory, I've decided to paint the marvellous MITHRIL figure of "Gandalf The White on Shadowfax" (LT1) .
Not an easy work : almost all is white !! But a great satisfaction at the end, as I'm happy of the result !
I've done a lot of pictures with different backgrounds, all in daylight.

 Peut-être savez-vous que le magnifique cheval qui a interprété "Shadowfax" dans les films du Seigneur des Anneaux est mort en Avril 2014. Son  nom était Blanco. En mémoire, j'ai décidé de peindre la merveilleuse figurine MITHRIL de "Gandalf Le Blanc sur Shadowfax" (LT1). Pas un travail facile: presque tout est blanc! Mais une grande satisfaction à la fin, parce que je suis content du résultat! J'ai fait beaucoup de photos avec différents fonds, tout en lumière du jour. 

some links :
and the Facebook Page of Cynthia Royal , the owner of Blanco.

another tribute to Blanco :
"Hits to Kill" (Darcy Perry)

41 commentaires:

  1. Hola Amigo
    Muy bonita si señor,te a quedado muy bien,y eso que con tanto blanco,del animal y del mago es complicado,pero te a quedado de 10 sobre 10.
    Yo la tengo a la espera de pintarla,me paso que cuando murió el pobre pase por una tienda y me la compre,no se por recordarlo,ya lo e pintado pero quiero hacerle algo especial
    un saludo

    1. gracias Jose! Este es el mejor cumplido que he tenido! de usted, es aún más apreciado! ¡Gracias!

  2. Réponses
    1. Thanks Edwin : I think that the work we do with our heart is always better...

  3. Really like the paintjob, and it's a wonderful tribute to a magnificent animal. g+1 =)

    1. Thanks Alex !
      I will have a look at your highland cattle: I love them !

  4. Superb! A wonderful miniature and beautiful paint job. I also like the flowers. Scott inspired me to paint a tribute to Blanco also. Here is my Gandalf riding Shadowfax: http://hitstokill.blogspot.co.nz/2014/04/painting-table-saturday-23-shadowfax.html?m=1

  5. Excellent idea for a tribute! Fantastic work on the model and wonderful photos!

  6. Very nice tribute. I like both the black and white and color shots.

  7. A lovely model and superb use of clever backgrounds :-)

    1. Thanks Scott : it was a pleasure to paint this figure ...

  8. J'avais lu l'info sur la mort de ce cheval.
    La figurine est très belle. Les animaux en général et les chevaux en particuliers sont difficiles à peindre. Sens du poil, ombres, musculature sont très délicats à faire. Bravo.

    1. Merci François ! J'ai un faible pour la peinture des chevaux ....

  9. Beautifully done! You've done a wonderful tribute piece.

  10. Fantastic presentation.
    Fly, Shadowfax! Show us the meaning of haste!

  11. Un beau travail et bel hommage , compliments Sam .
    A bientôt .

  12. Such a fitting tribute - beautifully done.

  13. Excellent résultat sur les blancs qui sont si durs à travailler !
    J'ai par contre un peu de mal avec la sculpture de ce cheval, quelque chose me gène mais je ne saurais pas dire quoi...

  14. Great tribute Pascal! Also you paintwork may been seen! Painting white isn't easy and you did a great job!


    1. Thanks Peter : I think that it's my better work with white !
      I'm ready to paint some Templars or Teutonics knights ... ;-)

  15. poor Shadowfax! Sadly, he's not the only horse to die connected with HOBBIT. During the shooting there were reports of many animals dying at the set :(

    1. I know about the suspicions but ....
      Nevertheless, Shadowfax / Blanco is not connect with the Hobbit and his death don't link with the movie !

  16. Oi Sam, gostei muito do seu trabalho e em especial das montagens que você fez com o backgrounds.
    Adorei sua visita e comentário em meu blog
    Abraço de Fernanda Maria.

    1. Obrigada, Fernanda Maria!
      Tenho um grande prazer visitar seu blog, mesmo que eu nem sempre um comentário!

  17. Hi Sam,I first saw this on Bennos` Figure Forum and thought I`d visit for a while here on your Blog! I like the Art Work very much & the use of those back drops certainly work well with your White Horse . I must admit I am ignorant concerning Book`s or Movies which this is based on.So I am simply commenting my view on your painting style used here on this rather nice Model of a Horse! It is Splendid! Great Base too. Beano Boy

    1. Thanks Paul !
      it's strange that you are ignorant about Tolkien ! One of the more famous British author of the World ! It sound like an English is ignorant about the Doctor !!!
      I appreciate your compliment a lot because you can just give your view about the figure and the painting work.
      It's a nice figure, and it was a challenge to paint it !
