16 décembre 2014

Painting Table Monday !

Hi ! It's quite a long time (a few days ...) that I've not been seating in front of my painting table but I've finished some new things and begun some others ...

I want also apologize for my poor participation in the blogosphere but I'm very busy and have many small problems in the real life which are "time-eaters". I will be more present in the next weeks, I hope.

some quick pictures(of a return in the medieval time!) :
-"Interrogation" (KAMAR) finished
-"Inquisition" (VALDEMAR) finished
-"Guards Resting" (VALDEMAR) on progress
-"Guards on duty " (VALDEMAR) on progress
+ 2 dogs on progress
+ 2 Monks finished
more details coming soon... 

I've no special project for all those figures.... it seems that my main desire is to paint figures and wait for ideas ...

I've also "sculpted" some oars in coffee-sticks for my different oarsmen !

see you soon!

26 commentaires:

  1. Hi, Sam. I'm glad you are painting some things and sharing them with us. Nice work. The dogs look cool.

    1. Thanks Jay ! yes I'm painting but that's all ... no story to tell ...

  2. Looks like you have lots on the go to keep you busy; good work on the oars.

    1. Thanks Michael ! a lot of things to paint ... my lead pile is a little bit less heavy !

  3. Hi Sam!
    The dogs are beautiful and the table with the bank made my heart beat so beautiful !! I want this table and this bank here, Brazil, Recife, Nanda's house will be my Christmas present;) Play with you Sam.
    Congratulations on all your beautiful work. Look, I did not like to see a woman as beautiful naked and chained = (
    Make a sexy mini dress for her, she will thank you.
    Again, congratulations friend.
      Charming and beautiful girl Nanda ;-)

    1. Thanks Nanda .... unfortunately, I need the table and the banks for my guards! ;)
      The nude woman is a problem... but I can't dress her !

  4. Très bel ensemble Sam, table, chiens, moines et tout et tout...fais gaffe quand même, y en a une qui est pas trop habillée pour la saison, tu devrais lui rajouter un chandail...Très beau boulot!

    1. Merci Phil ! ben ouais je sais... mais si je la montre de dos, ça devrait passer ?

  5. Réponses
    1. Joli ! j'ai pas mieux !
      (ok, je rame mais je peins, donc je suis !)

    2. Non, non, c'est nous qui te suivons ;)

    3. mouais.... je rame et tu suis ? pas sûr que ce soit un bon plan!
      "rhuômm .... I must think about that.... rhuômmm... "

  6. Nice work Sam, a wide and and selection! Great looking oars as well!

    1. Thanks Ray ! I need oars ... some more work to do on them and of course try if I could use them !

  7. Great variety of Medievals, Sam. I particularly like the dogs. Nice work on the scratch-built oars too

    1. Thanks Dean !
      it's quite pleasant to return in the medieval, my first subject when I've begun.
      I like to paint animals: it's always a challenge !

  8. Sam

    I must say that you are very productive, more than I shall ever be. Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration to all of us.


    1. Thanks Jan ! there are so many better painters than me...
      I'm in a good period! .... or maybe, I paint faster ?

  9. You have a lot going there on your painting table! Great projects!
    My table looked like yours but I did a clean up. To many projects on it. Now I have one it, and the others waiting aside to be done. Gives me a good overview!


    1. PS: I left you a little note on my blog comments! ;-)


    2. Thanks Peter ! I've finished some of those works .. coming soon on my blog ... and on Benno's !
      and I've started new ones !
      (I have 4/5 sets on the table ! a lot of figures ! + I'm trying to build something .... )
      I've seen the note : I always subscribe to comments... ;)

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