26 janvier 2015

"TOMBSTOWN" : "Wild West Townsfolk" (GERMANIA Figuren)

I've done a quick scenery/display with some of the Tombstown's buildings for the figures of the range "Wild West Townsfolk" (I, II and III) .
I've finally painted all the sets except the Chuck Wagon (I've used the IMEX one) and the Longhorns (used those from Toma Miniatures) . You can see them here:
-Cowboys at rest : link
-Cowboys on the trail : link

The buildings are all from Thomas Förstmann (own page) except the jail from Hovels.

and the last one show all the figures of "Tombstown" !

I think that it's my last post  with past year's works. Next month, I will begin to show the first ones of 2015 !

30 commentaires:

  1. Excellent, on entend l'harmonica en fond d'image et tout à coup, paf, la dernière vient enfoncer le clou !
    Allez, parce qu'il faut bien qu'il manque 2 ou 3 trucs : quelques abreuvoirs à chevaux en bord de trottoir, et évidemment un ou deux cavaliers au loin. Tagada tagada !

    1. ben ouais il manque des trucs ! c'est normal c'est une ville en pleine expansion ! tu crois que Tombstown s'est bâti en un jour ? et non Môssieur ! faut du temps et ... de l'argent !
      (de l'or aussi ça boosterait l'économie de notre belle petite cité .... )
      Pendant que j'y suis, il manque le saloon, les .... "femmes" et puis ....
      ... j'y retourne!

  2. Absolutely brilliant, there is a real sense of community growing there! ;)

  3. Réponses
    1. Thanks Michele !
      but what is exactly "pure Sam's style" ??

  4. Fantastic looking scenery and brought to life wonderfully.

    1. Thanks Simon !
      it's always easier to work with nice buildings and good figures !

  5. Looking good Sam! It looks like quite the boomtown now,

    1. Thanks Kris !
      yes ! and I've not put all the buildings !

  6. It is very nice to see your project growing so beautifully! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks RMacebo !
      so much work to do !! but it's fun !

  7. Great looking town Pascal! And already a gunfight!


    1. a western town without a gunfight or two is not a western town....
      needs beer and whiskey too ...

  8. Wonderful stuff! The scene is well set for the gunfight.
    Love it Sam. Is this now finished? BB

    1. Thanks Paul ! *
      finished ? oh no ! I don't know if I'm really able to finish something ... and it's a western town, always growing, never finished.

  9. Some excellent work Pascal, looking forward to what you've been working on this year.

    1. Thanks Ray !
      You will see as usual :
      -knights and medieval people
      and maybe some surprises ?
      and I wish that I will have a trip in the Lost New World .

  10. A quiet morning in town as two gangs stride quietly down Main Street to face each other at ten paces in a blazing gun fight! Good stuff, Sam. Your little western world is coming together very nicely.

    1. Thanks Jay !
      I'm very happy to do that !
      and Tombstown is growing like a real Old West City : without plan and in all the directions !

  11. Ah!!! A cada dia suas miniaturas tomam mais formas, mais vida.
    Esse senário ficou sensacional Sam. Obrigada por compartilhar seu talento aqui e em especial pelo meu convite para mim ;) Fico muito feliz com isso Sam.
    De : Nanda. nandinha , nadoca rsrsrs LOL

    1. Thanks Nanda for all your kind words !
      it's always nice to have some comments from you !

  12. Ah!!! A cada dia suas miniaturas tomam mais formas, mais vida.
    Esse senário ficou sensacional Sam. Obrigada por compartilhar seu talento aqui e em especial pelo meu convite para mim ;) Fico muito feliz com isso Sam.
    De : Nanda. nandinha , nadoca rsrsrs LOL

  13. L'atmosphère est là, la qualité est là, c'est vraiment un travail très réussi. On se voit déjà flânant dans ces rues paisibles, pour le moment, à la recherche d'un saloon pour étancher sa soif sur fond musical d'un piano mal accordé, dans une ambiance poussiéreuse...bon, alors y vient ce saloon?
    Super boulot, vraiment...

    1. Merci Phil ! il manque le saloon, il viendra bien entendu !
      on a besoin d'étancher sa soif , c'est quand même un peu poussiéreux dans le coin ...
      il manque tellement de choses à Tombstown ... encore du boulot en perspective....

  14. Great work Sam, I really liked seeing your year in review. I was also very impressed by your architectural backgrounds. I'll have to investigate some of those other buildings as well. All the best, and I hope to do a better job of keeping up.

    1. Thanks Sean ! I'm not the best painter of the world... but I do my best, I have fun to do what I do and that's the most important, I think ...
