22 février 2015

HUNS ! - ( HAT 8298 ) **** Painted Review ****

I don't paint a lot all the past weeks...
I've just finished to paint the set "Huns" from HAT ( PSR Link ).
Not a great set !

3 sprues of 5 riders each with 3 separate arms which allow multiple  combinations.... but ....
only 4 horses for 5 riders ! (total of the box : 15 riders + 12 horses ). No comment.

The sculpt is half-bad (or half-good, it depends of your mood).
The faces are ... err.... "notsculpted" ! (it's a good excuse for a lazy face-painter like me)
The details on the figures are mainly ... missing ?
( and it's 8/10 on PSR !!!!!!!!! they have never paint figures !!!
mold is 10/10 : easy when there is almost nothing to mold !! )

The poses are not bad but I recommend to try to put the riders on the horses and eventually use a kraft-knife before painting the figures  because they don't seat well on the saddles !( I've always believed that Huns were excellent riders... pfffffff.... sad but I was wrong ... )

They are too tall (look at the last pictures at the bottom for comparison with the Lucky Toys "Black Huns" ), so don't expect to mix them !

No comment about the soft Hat-Plastic ... (I hate the hat-plastic, he he !)

One good point : I like the general look of those figures with their warm clothes.
But: could someone explain to me why those guys seem don't wear muffles as all right-in-the-head men should wear in their extreme conditions of life ???? 
I propose to do a donation for the sculptors (they are a lot !) which allows them to have some days of vacancies in Siberia ! (with horses, so they could see in the same time how are horses !) 

... well , I've painted them....
for the first time, I've used (a little!) Citadel paints and I can say that it's not for me : it don't work with my usual "rustic-style" ! 

Pictures ? 

Ok ! 

Let's go !

Comparison between a Hat - Huns and a Lucky-Toys - Black Huns (PSR Link)


35 commentaires:

  1. Bel ensemble et jolie présentation

  2. Hola Amigo
    Pues me gusta mucho esta caballería
    Un saludo

  3. Hola Amigo
    Pues me gusta mucho esta caballería
    Un saludo

  4. They look great! It takes a great modeler to make something average into superior. And you did it Sam!!

    1. Thanks Master Jay !
      it seems that Wakan Tanka is with me ....

  5. Your painting is fine but as you say..the bods look bad!! Way too big and Little Detail....and why only 12 horses? 3 horse poses would have been better and better still, 5 poses x three sprues.

    1. Thanks Paul!
      why only 12 horses ?? who knows ?
      I don't think that Hät is always serious ... but PSR love them ..

  6. You have made a very nice job of these guys!

    1. Thanks Rodger! but it has taken a lot of time to paint them, my motivation was not at the top !

  7. Tu as tout de même réussi à en faire quelque chose de ces satanées figurines ! Vraiment belle peinture (par contre je ne dirai rien concernant la grosse ligne de moulage du poney...)

    1. Merci Stéphane ! j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à les peindre.... quant à la ligne de moulage, bon on va dire que c'est un oubli ou alors que c'est le 5ème poney que j'ai pris sur une autre grappe quand je me suis aperçu qu'il en manquait un !

    2. J'aime beaucoup ta nouvelle photo de profil !! (enfin je crois qu'elle est nouvelle, peut-être que j'avais pas fait gaffe avant ... )

  8. I like the figures. The pictures remind me of the start of the film Conan the Barbarian.

    1. Thanks Mister Springinfeld!
      nice figures but too much defaults, in my opinion.

  9. Wonderful scenes. The snow is a great touch.

  10. Wonderful images - nicely painted Huns too, of course.

  11. The paintjob is excellent! Hat has different sculpters, some are good, some not that good! What I noticed that there is a big difference between the different periods. The colonial sets are good. And PSR does what he can. Some figures he buys, the others he get from sponsoring. Most important I find from PSR that he shows us the figures! ;-)


    1. Thanks Peter !
      for Hat, I understand what you mean .. that could explain the difference between the reviews and the notes !
      What is the worth with this set is the number of horses, the bad sculpt and the size of the guys ! (But I think that they could be good with the Zvzeda Mongols and Golden Horde ... except the horses) . For PSR, you're right: not all is bad ! and their reviews give us plenty of informations !

  12. Photos et figurines sont très sympas!

  13. A nice addition to your Collection Sam.The cold white of the back ground picture works very well , and is a good addition to use on this photo shoot. As for the figures,"All Painted with Style! " BB

    1. Thanks Paul! I don't show every time the figures with a background.... but I know they look better like that !
