04 juin 2020

MITHRIL : Rangers of Ithilien M378 and m379

Two others Mithril figures :

M378 : Mablung Firing Bow

M379: Ranger loading arrow 

(Mablung is one of the faithful Ranger of  Faramir when he "hunt" against Southern Warriors in the Ithilien, in the boarders of the Gondor's Kingsdom.
in the Mithril shop, we can read :
 "The Rangers of Ithilien, also known as the Rangers of the South and Rangers of Gondor, were an elite group of the Southern Dúnedain warriors who scouted in and guarded the land of Ithilien.
During the War of the Ring, the Rangers of Ithilien were led by Captain Faramir, and some of its members included Anborn, Damrod, and Mablung."

Both in book and movie, that's  the place where they captured Frodo and Sam and later, Gollum... you know what happened next ...)

For the anecdote, I've glued the Mablung's arm wrong . the bow is supposed to be horizontal !
Maybe it's why it was not easy to do ...

Some more Rangers will follow in the next weeks :
M377: Faramir 
M386 : Ranger Swordsman 
and if find it :
M380: Damrod running 

This afternoon, I've modified my small Mithril / LoTR Showcase and:
1- I don't have a lot of free places yet for the new ones which are coming (!)
2- I've painted about 60 Hobbits, 45 other races, 5 ponies ... (+ some GW LoTR ...)

After the Hobbits, the Dwarves , a Wizard and the Humans , of course, next ones will be Elves !

6 commentaires:

  1. Lovely choice of colour fro the cloaks.

    1. Thanks Michael. I don't know if it's accurate but I didn't want to use green !

  2. Très bon schéma de couleur (et un de mes préférés), bravo.

  3. Tout à fait dans l'air du temps avec leurs masques !
    Belle peinture comme l'ont dit mes prédécesseurs.
    Par contre "Southern Dúnedain", Mithril s'amuse encore avec ses dénominations hasardeuses...

  4. Your content helped me a lot to take my doubts, amazing content, thank you very much for sharing.
