30 juillet 2012

"The Hobbit" a new trailer! and 2 small LOTR movie ...And some problems with BLOGGER...!!

That seems to be very interesting, no ?????????!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I will see the movie in December !!!

Ça  semble être plutôt intéressant, non?
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai la sensation que j'irai voir le film en décembre!


I want also give you some  informations about 2 very good "Fan-Movies":

Je voudrais aussi vous  donner quelques infos sur 2 très bons "Fan-films":

The first one is :

....a "small" one : here is the trailer:

The second one is more ambitious (1h10!)

Web-site: "Born of Hope"
just click on the button "Watch the Movie" .... and enjoy!

Just un p'tit click sur "Watch the Movie" ... et passez un bon moment!!


Since 2 or 3 days, I can't join blogs as a simple member with my blogger profile!!
I've always that:

and can't sign it with my Blogger account !!
Do you have the same problem?
or I have missed something?
If YES , do you have a solution?

9 commentaires:

  1. Un post "précieux" et alléchant quant à Gollum, Gandalf, et les autres...
    Je n'ai pas eu e problème avec blogger ces jours-ci, et je n'ai pas de solution à te proposer...ceci dit, vais-je pouvoir signer mon commentaire?...

  2. Same problem here, I can't just "follow" blogs anymore but have to join through Google connect. Don't understand it.

  3. Same here..it doesn´t allow you to follow..been like it for 4 days now at least. I can add the blogs to my blogroll..even to the 1st one which I couldn´t before..all very strange. Ohtr news,,the hobbit will be now three films!!!

  4. Haven't had this problem myself Sam.....

  5. I don't have any problem for the comments, Phil: just for joining as a "simple" member!
    (not always, because it works for some of them!!!)

    Thanks Paul for the link! I know "The One Ring.net" but I don't visit it often!)
    I'm not sure that's a "Great New".... 3 movies just for 'the Hobbit" ? not too much for a small book? (and I'm sure that Tom Bombadil will not appear on them!) ... pfff... another "marketing-operation"! P.J. has forgotten the Tolkien's spirit...
    Have fun with the fan-movies, maybe they are better!

  6. I've not followed anyone new in a while...I think, so I've not come up with this problem, YET!
    I did notice a Google + sign though on the Design page under comments...why?

    1. in fact, it seems that the "join as a member" works on some blogs and don't on others!

      Google + ? a function which need a sign in "Google ... splurk" or something like this. I didn't sign! not too much in "Big Brother Google" !

  7. it must be some problem with the Blogger, I haven't noticed it so far, but such issues appear from time to time .... Hope you will find a solution.

    1. I think that I've not something to do!
      if it works, I join the blog, if not I don't!
      (but if the blog is interesting for me, I add it in my blog-roll !)
