01 août 2012

"Normans" (STRELETS M001)

I've finished a new set of the large range of Normans from STRELETS.

 You can read the review in Plastic Soldier Review
Then, a set of Cavalry (12) and the "Norman Archers" and it's finished!
This set is the first one of the M serie and is very difficult to find yet but I've found few boxes on e-bay ! (I've some sprues for sell, if you're interested, just e-mail me)
The next step of this work is to paint all the Anglo-Saxons !!!
I've painted the first set "Anglo-Saxons before Battle" : Plastic Soldier Review and I'll show it soon! (just some pictures to do).
I hope that all the Normans and Anglo-Saxons will be finished before the end of the year (I'm not too much optimist!) Maybe, I will do something with that +  the KAMAR "Normans" and "Anglo-Saxons"   and, why not, some other KAMAR sets, if I have enough time before the 21th of December 2012 !!

J'ai fini une nouvelle série de la large gamme de Normands de STRELETS.
Vous pouvez lire la critique dans
Plastic Soldier Review
Ensuite, un ensemble de Cavalerie (12) et
"Norman Archers" et c'est fini!
Cet ensemble est le premier de la série M et il est très difficile de le trouver encore, mais j'ai trouvé quelques boîtes sur e-bay! (J'ai quelques carottes en vente, si vous êtes intéressés, il suffit de m'envoyer un courriel)
La prochaine étape de ce travail est de peindre tous les Anglo-Saxons!
J'ai peint la première série, "Anglo-Saxons
before Battle" Plastic Soldier Review et je vais le montrer bientôt! (juste quelques photos à faire).
J'espère que tous les Normands et les Anglo-Saxons seront terminés avant la fin de l'année (je ne suis pas trop optimiste!) Peut-être que je ferai quelque chose avec cela + les sets KAMAR
"Normans"et "Anglo-Saxons"  et, pourquoi pas avec d'autres sets de Kamar, si j'ai suffisamment de temps avant le 21 Décembre 2012!!

and the last one is a special one for my Italian friend Michele  (MichiGentile's MicroWorld :

15 commentaires:

  1. Nice work, Sam! The shields really are an eye-catcher.

    1. thanks Jay!
      not the better shields that I ever seen... but it's my actual level of painting...

  2. Those figs are very nice! Good advertisement for Strelets! ;)

  3. Great detail on these guys and the photo's came out crisp and clear.

  4. WOW!!! Tx my friend!I find that the production Strelets is not the best, but you did a great job, congratulations!

    1. STRELETS have an own personality, I like to paint them!

  5. Y a pas à dire, les boucliers normands, ça en jette! Beau travail!

    1. merci Phil!
      moi j'adore les Normans: je fais absolumment ce que je veux avec l'héraldique!

  6. WOW brilliant, as the Ditchburn family claims decent from a Norman knight I am very proud whenever I see my ancestors painted up in miniature. (this must be the hundreth time I have said this!)

  7. They are very good...the quartering, crosses and dragons are neatly done. The only thing with the set is the guy with the round shield..he doesn´t look like he belongs .I put him to the back of the shield wall to hide him :-D

    1. thanks Paul!
      yep for the guy with round shield! I think that he must be a traitor Anglo-Saxon!
      I've some improvement to do for the shields... or use my magnifizer !

  8. those are great, especially that dragon shield!
