16 décembre 2012

"En attendant Noël.... " ("Waiting for Christmas....")

 Christmas day -9 

Somewhere in the countryside,
a little house under the snow...

Quelque part dans la campagne,
une petite maison sous la neige ...

 to be follow... à suivre...

It's my "secret project" for Christmas ...
I know that a lot of you have their own project, secret or not.
I would like to know if you  are interested with a review on my blog after the 25th of December. (author+ one picture + link to the blog)
I could be nice to have a large view of this great event of the year.

If you are ok, let me know here with a comment on my blog or an e-mail:

C'est mon "projet secret" pour Noël ...Je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous ont leur propre projet, secret ou non. Je voudrais savoir si vous êtes intéressé par une revue sur mon blog après le 25 Décembre. (auteur + une photo + lien vers le blog)
Je pourrais être sympa d'avoir une large vue de ce grand événement de l'année.
Si vous êtes ok, faites le moi savoir ici avec un commentaire sur mon blog ou par e-mail:

8 commentaires:

  1. a secret project. my project it to complete some pirates before the big day.

  2. as always a good idea Pascal. My popular crib 2012 is not a secret, bring the truth, I begin to have serious doubts about the completion of the project by Christmas ................. but who knows. A big hug

    1. Ok, Michele!
      finished or not, I think that I can find a good picture of your work!

  3. I received something for Christmas today from Germany. I might paint it before then.

    Great idea Pascal!


    1. Thanks Peter, it's a little bit late to do this proposition...I was thinking to do a sort of "Christmas challenge" (with...nothing to win!).
      You can paint it Peter, you can!

  4. Is there room on this roof top for the Big Guy and his sleigh? Nice work. I vote - yes- for the year-end review.

    1. Nice for the enter !
      ... don't worry for the Big Guy!
      there is always a place for him
