18 décembre 2012

"THE HOBBIT" (4) "The Great Gobelin" (MITHRIL M141)

Another great character of 'The Hobbit": a very good figure from Mithril, in my opinion.
If you've seen the movie (I don't yet!), you can make a comparison with the one of it.

What's a Goblin ? in fact, Tolkien used this name in the book but after in the LoTR, he  used the "orc" name. So a goblin IS an orc, maybe a little bit different race of the ethnic group:

"The Great Goblin was a Goblin chieftain of the Misty Mountains. The Great Goblin was a very large creature with a huge head. He was the chief of a group of goblins (apparently a smaller type of orc) who lived in Goblin-Town near the High Pass. They preyed on travellers  who used another, easier pass near the main gate of Goblin-town until people started avoiding that route over the mountains. The goblins then made another gate that opened into a cave that they called the Front Porch, at the top of the High Pass. The Great Goblin also sometimes ordered his goblins to catch fish for him in Gollum's lake, and these goblins were sometimes killed by Gollum.... "(source link)

(Sorry for the bad pictures: impossible to do them in daylight !)

For the end: a little "reminder" of what I've wrote in a precedent post:

I have a  "secret project" for Christmas ...
I know that a lot of you have their own project, secret or not.
I would like to know if you  are interested with a review on my blog after the 25th of December. (author+ one picture + link to the blog)
I could be nice to have a large view of this great event of the year.

If you are ok, let me know here with a comment on my blog or an e-mail:
J'ai "projet secret" pour Noël ...Je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous ont leur propre projet, secret ou non. Je voudrais savoir si vous êtes intéressé par une revue sur mon blog après le 25 Décembre. (auteur + une photo + lien vers le blog)
Je pourrais être sympa d'avoir une large vue de ce grand événement de l'année.
Si vous êtes ok, faites le moi savoir ici avec un commentaire sur mon blog ou par e-mail:

25 commentaires:

  1. He's not someone you'd like to meet in a dark alley (or cave). Nice job though, the photos are still better than mine usually are.

    1. Thanks Andrew!
      for the pictures, I try always to have some good ones, because it's an important part of the work, mainly with single figs.

  2. Trés bon début je te suit Sam , dacord pour ta revue Sam Si je dois laisser mail fais moi signe ;)

    1. Début ?? euh non, celle-ci est finie!
      je n'ai pas le même niveau de qualité que toi!
      à la rigueur, je pourrais reprendre quelques détails, mais c'est tout!
      Merci ! pas de mail: je te compte parmi les participants et je te demanderai juste quelle photo tu préfères et je la chargerai moi-même, tu n'auras donc rien à faire.

  3. Great looking mini.
    I´ve found a neat trick with photo taking when the daylight is bad. Put the camera on it´s lowest light setting and then on the lowest macro setting. Take the pic from just out of range (when the red light shows up) and then zoom the pic from the file and save,
    What do you mean with review..what you´ve done this year on the blog?

  4. thanks Paul!

    didn't understand all the way for the pictures, but I will try to do! (I must translate in french, I think!)

    The review? it was maybe not so clear.. sorry!
    just a "Christmas review"! with the special works of this day!
    For example: you've planed to post something which is relative to Christmas, so, if you agree, I post it here, just to have a review of Christmas.
    Is it clearer?

    1. Paul: I've translated your explanation.
      A question : "lower light" ? the lamp?
      no flash? for the rest, it's ok : I always zoom and crop the pics!

  5. Très jolie figurine, j'aime beaucoup sa pose dynamique malgré sa position assise.
    L'ensemble est toujours bien mis en valeur avec les rochers qui l'entourent. Roche naturelle dessous et polystyrène sur le côté ???

    1. Merci mon ami!
      je l'aime bien aussi: la pose est vraiment sympa et la sculpture d'un bon niveau.
      Tout est naturel! les pierres sur le côté, je les ai trouvées dans mon jardin! j'en ai quelques unes comme ça, je les garde précieusement!

      (j'aime beaucoup ton dernier post, celui sur ton personnage "bizarre", pas encore eu le temps de commenter mais ça va venir!)

  6. he does look pretty scary, I havn't seen the movie yet so no comparison but he does look very evil

  7. Oh, yes! I have him! :-D Really like this figure and have used him (not very tolkienish, though). I've put him in an inn and at a party in the woods. :-D As usual I like your painting! A Christmas special? Yes, I'm going to put out something Christmas-like and you are very welcome to make a review!

    1. Thnaks Gunnar!
      I don't remember it in "the Party in the Woods"... will have a new look!
      Your Christmas Inn is added to my list!

  8. One nice paint job on on one not so nice goblin!

    1. Thanks Jay!
      not so nice ?? well not very dangerous: I'm sure that the squadron of Flying Piggies could kill him very easily !

  9. Très chouette, plein de souvenirs donjonnesques me reviennent, et tu as raison pour la lumière, pas trop sinon ils peuvent devenir soupe au lait. J'ai lu les commentaires, et c'est un très bon choix pour tes décors naturels, les dolmens n'ont rien à leur envier...bref, très bon post, comme d'hab!

    1. Merci Phil!
      ça c'est un commentaire bien dans ton style!
      Je trouve dommage que les figs MITHRIL soient si peu connues, elles ont un charme supéreur à celles de GW qui ne sont "que" des copies des personnages de P.J. !

  10. This is a really nice figure and I like the arrangment of the scene. Very impressive!


    1. Thanks Bruno!
      I paint a little bit more this month (about 1h/1h30 per day) and mainly single figures, so I've more finished works and ... more which are begun!

  11. PETER has wrote :
    (and I don't know why this comment don't appear!)

    It all looks real good Pascal! Nice painted figure, nice setting, love it!

    PS1: the dwarf on my blog is one of ten, not the scale. The scale is 1/72. I wanted to support your hobbit month. ;-)

    PS2: I let you know when the package has arrived! :-)


    1. Thanks !

      The dwarf? oh! I'm not surprised that it's a 1/72 !
      I'd just kidding ...
      thanks for the support!

  12. Hola
    Tienes un blog muy bueno,con muchas figuras muy buenas,las del señor de los anillos me encantan
    Te e encontrado gracias a Peter`s Cave que nos a enseñado las fotos de tus enanos
    Asique estaremos atentos a mas fotos y dale duro,te sigo

    1. Muchas gracias!
      No entiendo español, pero traducido a leer y responder!
      ¡Feliz Navidad

  13. brilliant colours, Samwise, and I like his throne too :)

    1. Thanks Dez!
      only 7 ou 8 figures to paint....
      I will finish, oh yes! I will !
