09 décembre 2012


 ... I make a break with my "Hobbit Month" for a short review of another BUM's set.

"Huron Hut" (Plastic Soldier Review) is an interesting set, but, I've not the chance to have the woman sitting in my box!!

For the other figures,  like in the boxes of  the "Canadian Trampers" ( Review 7 ), I have the same sprue of Hurons, but nevertheless the others are not so bad.

2 men sitting, but no woman

a small vignette "ready to paint" !!

not a bad hut, it seems (resin)

My favourite lovely Hurons!
 and a comparison between ITALERI "Indians Warriors" (PSR link ) for my friend Peter ( Peter's Cave): the BUM's figures are a little bit smaller than the ITALERI :

the next REVIEW will be the WATERLOO 1815 "Rogers Rangers"

10 commentaires:

  1. Nicer looking set. I can't help but feel I could make my own hut with putty though.

  2. La hutte n'a pas l'air mal, même si elle nécessite un fameux travail de peinture pour les peaux servant de revêtement. Il y de quoi faire quelque chose de bien.

  3. The hut is definately makeable by a scratchbuild. The sitting Huron is a nice looking fig...but they do seem to have a bit of flash. What´s the plastic like?

  4. they look much better here than on PSR I must say that the PSR team seems a bit damning of them. I like the looks of them. the hut looks nice as well and so does all the terrain. perhaps easy to scratch build but still great.

    waterloo 1815 rogers rangers. quite interesting

  5. This is a nice set, but for the hut I agree with Sean. The right figure on the last photo is horrible. I'm very interested on the review of Rodgers Rangers.

  6. Nice acquisition, Sir. Painting these Indians should be fun.

  7. For some reason I missed this post! Looks like a nice set! That vignette, does it come in one piece?
    Thanks for the review Pascal!


  8. Thanks all!
    I didn't plan to paint them soon .... you must wait some days/months/years/....

    @Peter: the vignette is in one piece! (not easy to paint!)

  9. I like them huts Sam, do you think they'd fit 15mm figures?

    1. Ray: BUM don't make 15mm, only (expensive!) boxes in 1/72.
      Honesty, I've seen very nice figs in 15mm, but maybe not a lot for this period ?
