11 décembre 2012

REVIEW 8 "ROGER'S RANGERS" (Waterloo 1815) + BUM/ITALERI "Huron's duel"

It will be a very quick review! I've almost nothing to say about this set, except that:

-20 figures in 10 poses (equivalent of 2 sprues), that's a very correct number.
-the sculpt is very good, in my opinion, and the poses are very dynamic.
Like often, they are all "fighting figures", even of "close-combat", so it's very difficult to use them in another way!
The picture on PSR ( link ) are better than mine.....

Ce sera une revue très rapide! Je n'ai presque rien à dire sur ce set, si ce n'est que:
-20 Figurines et  10 poses (soit l'équivalent de 2 carottes), c'est un nombre très correct.
-la sculpture est très bonne, je pense, et les poses sont très dynamiques.
Comme souvent, ce sont tous des «figurines de combat»,voire même de "combat rapproché", il est donc très difficile de les utiliser d'une autre façon!
Les photos sur PSR sont meilleures que les miennes .....

Wikipedia :
Rogers' Rangers was an independent company of colonial militia, attached to the British Army during the Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the United States). The unit was informally trained by Major Robert Rogers as a rapidly deployable light infantry force tasked with reconnaissance and conducting special operations against distant targets. Their military tactics were so bold and effective that the unit became the chief scouting unit of British Crown forces in the late 1750s. The British valued them highly for gathering intelligence about the enemy.

 Les Rogers Rangers étaient une compagnie indépendante de la milice coloniale, attaché à l'armée britannique pendant la guerre de Sept Ans (appelée la Guerre franco-indienne aux Etats-Unis). L'unité a été officieusement formée par le Major Robert Rogers comme une force d'infanterie légère déployable rapidement, chargée de la reconnaissance et de mener des opérations spéciales contre des cibles lointaines. Leurs tactiques militaires étaient si audacieuces et efficaces que l'unité devient le la principale unité des forces de reconnaissance de la Couronne britannique dans la fin des années 1750. Les Britanniques les ont beaucoup appréciés pour recueillir des renseignements sur l'ennemi.

..........For those who are interested, a small picture with an ITALERI "Indians Warriors" and a BUM "Huron": the Bum's one is a little smaller than the ITALERI's one .... and is ugly !

That's all Folks!

6 commentaires:

  1. Nice acquisition. The fighter swinging the flintlock is definitely my favorite!

  2. Belles figurines Sam , bien vite la suite ;)
    A bientôt

  3. nice little review and information on the Rangers. the little comparison is nice also. those hurons are not too bad I assume they can be painted up. stressful though if the plastic is the standard BUM type.

    have a nice time.

  4. And you have these to? You are a lucky man! Nice review!
    One day I buy them to. I see a use for them in my AWI project.
    Thank you also for the comparison. I'm not sure what I should think about it. I might give them a go. Painted they look much better.


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