28 août 2013

Laser-cut Barn / Stable 28mm - (Conversion)-

After the Zvezda "Thatched Country House"
and all the problems that I've had to build it, I was very motivated to build another model which was waiting in my "to-do" pile !
I was not very enthusiast about "laser-cut" but like I'm curious, I've bought ... 2 models!
the barn that I will show here and a medieval house .... maybe for another time ...

The model assembled (something easy !):

Beautiful, isn't it ?

I didn't take pictures of all the steps of the conversion... sorry!
I've just used wood coffee-sticks and matches (big ones), and glue! that's all .

one wall is moved in the middle and I've done a new framework

I've cute a part of the roof and cover all with planks

some paint and a simple wash on the wood:

et voilà !

perfect for the Hobbits !
Sam and Bill's stable !

31 commentaires:

  1. Hola
    Bonita casa,y útil por lo que veo,se la ve muchas posibilidades
    un saludo

  2. That looks fabulous, a great conversion Sam.

    1. Thanks Michael!
      it could be better but it's a good trail to do some others from A to Z !

  3. Réponses
    1. Thank Kris!
      Do you have a blog ? I didn't find one in your profile..

  4. The laser cut building looks very good Pascal. Well done!


    1. Thanks Bruno !
      not a great work... but I'm not very accustomed to do such things: I will do better next time...

  5. Very nice stable, it came out well.

  6. Great "rescue" of what was a awefull looking kit.

    1. Thanks Paul!
      I hope that it will be useful for those who have the temptation to buy some cheap laser-cut models !
      Save your money!!!

  7. Bref, on peut largement se passer du laser-cut !
    J'avoue avoir hésité devant quelques modèles, mais ta présentation est éloquente. Je continuerai à la main (ou les papermodel si je suis trop pressé) !

    1. On peut s'en passer sauf si la beauté d'une table n'est pas ce qu'on cherche le plus !
      Il vaut mieux un beau paper-model qu'un laser-cut comme ça !
      Et dire que j'ai aussi une maison médiévale..
      A VENDRE !!!!

  8. Very nice work, it came out looking great!

  9. great stuff my friend a great save. that cheep lazer cut model was really sad just a few bits of wood with some lines burnt into them. your models is very nice indeed.

  10. Réponses
    1. Thanks Captain!.... but I'm at some light-years of your level!

  11. I love it, Sam Wise!
    When I was little we had such houses made of cardboard which you could buy in shops and build step by step.

  12. Thanks Dezz!
    never have those toys but maybe, it's something of your country ?
    I just remember figures, planes "home made", custom-cars,...
    (and something tell me that we are not from the same generation ...)

  13. I think that's the first laser cut building I have ever seen that I like. You did a wonderful job on upgrading that kit. Thanks for posting that.

    Mike Bunkermeister Creek

    1. Thanks Mike !
      ... and I'm happy that you give me a visit, very kind from you !
