25 août 2013

ZVEZDA 8532 : " Thatched Country House " (conversion)

Hello !
After a break of one week (Scouts Camp), I'm back with a new building.
ZVEZDA  " Thatched Country House "

In fact, I've tried to build this "puzzle kit" from A to Z but I was not able to finish it: 
the roof is an incredible multi-parts model !! The main parts of the roof were not glued at the good size and I couldn't assemble the whole roof.... 

Even the walls are "multi-parts" !! You must cut the holes for the doors and the windows, cut and glue all the wooden parts , the only thing that I've found fun because it allows me to "customize" the house !

you can see the different parts of the walls...
ready to paint (ouf!)

....and the house without roof :

What could I do with that ???
Making a new roof !!!
(I don't have pictures of the step-by-step, sorry... I've used cardboard and tree foliage)
And here is "my" house :

A perfect house for hobbits, no ?

.... next time: a conversion of a cheap (and awful!) laser cut  model !!

21 commentaires:

  1. I like that. Very nice work Sam!

  2. Very nice job. You worked through the difficult stages of building this model, and produced a perfect house for hobbits, Sam.

  3. You did well there Sam, I would have gone all Kansas on it!

    1. Thanks Francis !
      I would like to have such a house ...

  4. Nice job on an odd model I've never seen before. I look forward to seeing what you do with the laser cut one.

    1. Thanks Sean !
      I don't understand why they do this puzzle !
      even for the casting, I'm not sure that's necessary !

  5. Tu ne fais pas de la pub à Zvezda, mais le rendu final est très bon. Excellente idée d'utiliser des décors 1/72° pour les Hobbits.

    1. ... oui mais Zvezda ne me l'a pas donné non plus, alors je suis libre d'écrire ce que je pense!

      Du 1/72 pour des hobbits, c'est cohérent: ils mesurent moins de 20mm !

  6. OMG the roof is so amazing with all the moss!
    'Zvezda' means 'star' in Serbian :)

    1. Thanks for the visit in the Hobbit-Home!

      ZveZda-PuZZle, DeZZZZ !
      I hope that it's easier to build a house in Serbia ...

  7. Great conversion and painting Pascal! The new roof looks excellent. Your pictures inspires me to build such a house from scratch by myself.


    1. Thanks Bruno !
      I think that it's not so difficult to scratch-build such a house !

  8. Sam

    Very nice adaptation here, I especially liked the sod roof.


  9. You covered it with tree folliage? Then you made an expencive roof!

    But it gives a great result!


  10. I`m a bit late seeing this one Sam Wise,but I love this convertion. My advice ,Save your money these kits cost, and just scratch build your own from this and that. This makes it very cost effective to have a Hobbit`s Hobby,and very Wise. BB
