30 mars 2014

Hey !! it's Monksday today !! (monkth's challenge II March ) + Edit !

Ok ... the last day of the month is the 31th but I will not have time to post tomorrow ...
This time, you have  3 monks for the price of 1 !!
Yes!! I've said "3"  ! they are all from different sets and manufacturers:
1-STRELETS 071 "Medieval Britain" (PSR link)
2-LiNEAR-b 012 "Age of Tudors" (PSR link )
3-Fredericus Rex : Med01 "Pillory Scene" ( Shop link - PSR link   )

I've chosen  to paint them in white robe with a black hood, I'm not really sure of what they are exactly  ! (Maybe Benedictins ? )

1-Fred. Rex             2-Strelets             3- Linear-b

ok ... le dernier jour du mois est le 31, mais je ne vais pas avoir le temps de poster demain ...
Cette fois, vous avez 3 moines pour le prix d'1!
Oui! J'ai bien dit "3"!
Ils proviennent tous de différents sets et fabricants:

1-STRELETS 071 "Medieval Britain"
2-linéaire-b 012 "Age of Tudors"
3 Fredericus Rex: Med01 "Pillory
 J'ai choisi de les peindre en robe blanche avec un capuchon noir, je ne suis pas vraiment sûr de ce qu'ils sont exactement! (Peut-être Bénédictins?)

My french friend Stéphane-"Mehapito" has posted his entry for the Challenge !! It's here :
Many thanks Stéphane !!

24 commentaires:

  1. Hola
    Qué buenas,sobre todo me gusta el del crucifijo, gran pintura
    Un Saludo

  2. les couleurs mettent bien en évidence les différents composants de la tenue.

  3. Réponses
    1. Thanks Vincent !
      (mais tu peux commenter en français aussi ! lol !)

  4. Réponses
    1. Thanks Francis !
      Peter say that I'm a "Holy Man" .... don't believe him !

  5. Mais enfin, à quoi ça sert la programmation de billets ?
    Joli résultat en tout cas !

    ... et puis je participe ce mois-ci :)

    1. Merci Stéphane ! belle participation de ta part !

      (et j'ai oublié qu'on pouvait programmer !! )

  6. They look great all three of them! Are you a holy man my friend? :-D


    1. Thanks Peter !
      and definitively not a Holy Man, I am !!

  7. Hi Sam,you don`t know what monks they in those colours.Well I do.They are very lucky Monks to have your golden brush paint them.So they could be called The Order of The Hobbit. Nice to visit your Blog again a refreshing change from things that I have been doing of late.I just had a thought if you paint for figures next month you could call them The Monkees.........of walking down the street,Hey,Hey where the Monkees! Well from one FiddleWood Gnome to a friendly Hobbit, You have Fun.I do. Beano Boy

  8. I've added my contribution! http://lostinthelandofgiants.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/sister-act.html
