13 mars 2014

PIRATES !!!!!!!!!! (ORION) and "The Monkth Challenge" rules .....

I've not posted since many time ... so much things to do ! the real life is sometimes hard !
I apologize also because of my "out-of-bloggingness". I try to see all your posts but have no time to post comments. I've seen beautiful works !

I've few time for the Hobby, and I've painted almost just those "English Pirates" from Orion ( PSR link) and not all the poses ! An excellent set in my opinion, maybe the better one in his category.
They are perfect for my Pirates-Island (but the Ship is too small for them !)

Je n'ai pas posté depuis beaucoup de temps ... tellement de choses à faire! la vraie vie est parfois difficile!
Je m'excuse aussi de mon "out-of-bloggingness". J'essaie de voir tous vos messages, mais pas le temps de poster des commentaires. J'ai vu beaux ouvrages!

J'ai peu de temps pour le Hobby, et j'ai peint presque seulement les "Anglais" Pirates de Orion  et pas toutes les poses! Un excellent set à mon avis, peut-être le meilleur dans sa catégorie.

Ils sont parfaits pour "Pirates Island" mais le Navire est trop petit pour eux, malheureusement!

....... I hope that I will be able to paint my "Monk of the Month" for my -yours?- "Monkth Challenge".
My rules are :
-one or more painted monks per month
-published the last day of the month
-Linking here if you want to participate (not necessary all the months , just when you want!)
-It's completely useless and for the fun !
 it can be Your Rules, too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

41 commentaires:

  1. A charming selection of piratical goodness!

  2. Great work, Sam! As you said "lots of poses." There seems to be many many possibilities for using these figures. I look forward to your putting them to work.

    Keep smiling, Pada Sam.

    1. Thanks Jay !
      I hope that I will find a good use for them in the future.... who knows what could happen with Pirates !

  3. Superbe, on s'y croirait...Je me suis surpris à faire coucou à cette jeune demoiselle...

  4. De toute beautés Sam et bien réalisé .
    Salutations .

    1. Merci Vincent... ^pour les "beautés", c'est toi le spécialiste!

  5. I love the poses and painting work Sam.

  6. Hola Amigo
    Magnífico trabajo
    Me encantan
    Un Saludo

  7. Fantastic work Pascal! It looks all a bit peacefull now! But I guess it will not stay that way! ;-)


    1. Thanks Peter ... I can't say what could happen with those "peaceful" Pirates.
      and I'm sure that they should be very happy to have a larger Ship and let this one for the children ...

  8. Excellent work, Sam. As always!


  9. Un très bel ensemble et une peinture très réussie, vraiment chouette !
    Je me suis demandé qui était ce Pinocchio qui tirait sur son nez, mais la photo sur le pont du bateau a répondu à ma question...
    Bravo pour ta peinture !

    1. Merci Stéphane ! je rougis !

      Le Pinocchio en question est plutôt surprenant, en fait je n'ai pas compris vraiment ce qu'il faisait ! il s'est retrouvé par hasard près du canon mais en fait je crois que c'est une sarbacane qu'il a ! (surprenant, non ?)

    2. Une sarbacane ? Etonnant en effet !

    3. bon ben je crois... je n'arrive pas à trouver d'autre ex)plication !
      ou alors, en dernier ressort, une paille pour boire directement dans la barrique !!!

  10. Hello, Sam,

    The pirate kid inside me says: Wow!

    A lot of history can be told with this masterwork!

    Thanks for these really nice photos!

    Greetings from brazil!


    1. Many Thanks Mauther !
      Pirates ar a little bit "magic" for us !
      and yes it's a Kid's Story !!

  11. Very nice figures/painting - love your pirate ship.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Dan !
      I hope that I will find time to paint another larger Pirate-Ship soon!

  12. Lovely painting!!!!!
    Monk of the month...?..I like it. I´ll try to put one in but time is so short These days..working 60 hours a week and 345 Km´s away from home...sleep, work, write reports and sleep again..not much fun :-(

    1. Thanks Paul !
      It would be nice to see a monk painted by you !

      Time is flying and the real life is not always kind with us ....

  13. Great work! I like your pirates very much!

  14. Oi, ficou muito legal as pinturas dos piratas, agora é só brincar e eu serei a pirata dos cabelos ruivos, ok?
    Abraço, Fernanda cá do Brasil

    1. muito obrigado! Eu não tinha pensado em pintar o cabelo vermelho, mas a idéia é ótima! Eu vou para a próxima "pirata senhora", eu prometo!

  15. Very nice painted figs and scene! I know how it is to have not enough time for the hobbies. I'm in a similar situation. So let's hope for better days.

    1. Thanks Bruno ! sometimes it's for bad reasons, sometimes for good reasons ! fortunately, the Hobby is just a hobby ....

  16. those are so fun and brilliant, Sam! Hope you are OK!

    1. Thanks dear friend !
      I'm almost ok : just some changes in my life which are a little bit disturbing but nothing that can't be resolved !
      I wish to have time to blog more (sorry ) and read News about Hollywood !

  17. These are one of those sets you must paint, and you have done it wonderfully. They look full of life. Now I can't look at my unpainted sets, with that dark green you can't see the details... I'll have to paint them!

  18. Thanks ! it's always easier to paint good figures ... and more fun too !
    I'm waiting to see yours ! I suppose that you will paint the whole set ?
    (I was interested only with the non-fighting pirates ...)
