09 janvier 2019

REVIVAL ... maybe ?

Hi old fellows ! 
I've just begun to work at my new Hobby-place ! 
No figures yet... just doing some changes on buildings for my old Western-Town ! 
I want to install a scenery of Tombstone in my new showcase...
and building a new one from "Green-Line Livery Stable"
(and I must say that I definitively hate to built ! Unfortunately, I've another to do .. )

Well .. some pictures ?
let's go ! 

to be continued...

23 commentaires:

  1. Me voilà tout pantois de ce retour...magnifique habitation!

    1. Merci Phil ...
      il fallait juste que je m'y remette ! L'envie était toujours présente mais le courage moins.
      La machine est lancée, plus qu'à continuer !
      Je suis content d'être de retour.

  2. Réponses
    1. Thanks ! It will be a pleasure to see again your fantastic work !

  3. How Long has it been since your last posting..nearly a year? Strangely, I took a sneak Peak at my blog at work today, just picking random Posts and there was a comment from you under one post. Then I looked to the right and there was your blog showing!!!:-)
    Welcome back and happy new year.
    The Green line Buildings can be a pain to build but they are very nice once finished.

    1. Thanks Paul ! I'm really happy to come back in the Hobby ! It has been so much time...
      For the building, it's a good one and yes I think that it will be a pain to paint it, but I've started, I will finish !
      Happy New Year too you too.

  4. How lovely to hear from you! It might have been awkward to put together, but was clearly worth the effort, it looks brilliant!

    1. Thanks Michael !
      Think that it's not the easier building I've to do ! (the Thomas Forstmann's buildings are perfect for me !)
      I will do my best ..

  5. Glad to know you have returned from your tour of the unknown beyond the Outer Rim, Pada Sam.

    Very nice modeling!

    1. Thanks Jay !
      so good to read you again !
      It's like a time travel in the past !
      Happy New Year !

  6. Quelle bonne surprise ce retour.
    Très joli travail cette bâtisse et les demoiselles ne sont pas en reste.

    1. Merci Stéphane ..
      même moi, je suis surpris ! C'est vachement bon de revenir ici, l'impression d'être revenu quelques années en arrière !
      Les demoiselles datent un peu mais elles sont restées agréables à regarder !
      Bonne année à toi !

  7. Good to see your back in hobbytown,and even with a new workplace. Cool reentry I would say. Now keep the work coming!
    Greetz Remco

    1. Many Thanks Remco !
      I'm happy to come back !
      Happy New Year !

  8. Happy to see you Blogging again Sam! Happy New Year


    1. Thanks Hugh ! It's a kind of "There and Back Again" !
      Happy New Year !

  9. Magnifique! Nice to have you back. You have been missed...
