31 janvier 2019

WIP - Not one but two buildings !

The revival is on the good way I think ! 
I've almost finished 2 Old West Buildings from
 "Green Line" from this range. 
Honesty I'm not very satisfied with those buildings ... too much pain to build and paint them. 
I confess that I'm not a good model-builder but the notices are not "very easy" to  understand and a lot of parts are very breakable... 
For me the more I can say is "You build a part, you break another part" ...
And paint is a pain... 
so I'm not very satisfied with MY work but I'm sure that YOU could be !   
Nevertheless, they will take place in Tombstown. 
Next time, maybe, I will buy some Old West buildings from
They are good ones and perfect for my building skill !
Also, I've cut pieces on horses for getting some "naked horses" 
because I intend to build a corral, so I need horses ! 
Let's see the pictures !

And many thanks for all your comments on my last post ! 

16 commentaires:

  1. Nice work. A pitty to hear that the buildings were such a pain.

    1. Thanks Gowan ! yes it's a pity to be unsatisfied with expensive stuff !

  2. They look good. Personally I despise 4Ground buildings, they are too complicated for general Wargames use.

    1. Simon : I've a 4ground building... for sale on ebay !

  3. Imposant et magnifique ce bâtiment!

    1. ah oui ! très imposant ! moins compliqué à monter que la maison mais les piliers je les ai cassés deux fois et ils sont tout de travers !

  4. Nice work modeling, Pada Sam. And you also have a nice variety of horses to occupy a corral: walking, kicking up their heels, and running. (:O)

    1. Thanks Jay. I like the idea for those horses ! I can do a lot of them, cowboys will have some work to do !

  5. Looks very nice. The "defrocked" nags..Italeri, Zvezda, Hät ?
    I have seen a lot of the Buildings live from Thomas Fuhrmann..I recommend them. I did consider getting some for my ACW Project but Money was short.

    1. Thanks Paul: yes Hat, Italeri and Zvezda. Some more to come ..
      For the wild West/ACW buildings, I will post something about the manufacturers : Thomas Förstmann of course, Green Line too because theu can be perfect in good hands (!) but also the Hovels 25mm range provide some suitable buildings for 1/72... but not all.
      Money ...is THE worse in our life !

  6. Il me semble pas si mal ce bâtiment. Tu pourrais éventuellement "salir" un peu le bas des murs pour éviter trop d'uniformité.
    Mais je sais ce que ça fait quand on a trop galéré sur un montage.
    En tout cas, voilà que tu as doublé tes messages des deux dernières années :-)

  7. "The Livery Stable" est bien, je devrais pouvoir l'utiliser assez facilement avec un corral à côté, par contre la maison va faire double emploi avec l'autre de Thomas Förstmann mais je vais faire un post spécial sur ce sujet très bientôt !
    Et ça fera 3X plus que ces deux dernières années !
    J'ai pas encore relancé la peinture de figurines , je crois que ça me fait un peu peur parce que je ne suis pas sûr de savoir encore faire ... Mais j'ai des projets en tête ce qui est un très bon début!

  8. Very good to see your work once more appearing here, and my friend you have been so sorely missed upon the home hobby front.
    Best Regards from the evergreen gardens of Fiddle Wood UK.BB. A place i treasure and live with my Mrs B.
