02 juillet 2019

I've really start to paint again !

Hi ! 
I've said before that I wanted to paint again .. I've done ! 
I've started a new (quite big ) project ... but I prefer to keep it in a secret pocket for the moment. 
I must say that it's difficult to paint after so many years and my skill is down. 
Just a picture of the table : 

I'm also painting some horses for Tombstown , need them for the Corral I've not started.  

I'm really not satisfied, I liked to paint horses but it seems that I don't know any more how to do ! 

Next time, I will post some pictures of  a part of Tombstown. 

6 commentaires:

  1. Pada! Greetings! Looking forward to your sharing your modeling adventures with us.

  2. Nice work so far. I am sure the it will all come back upto speed after the long break.

  3. I know what you mean with "not knowing" I haven´t painted for a few weeks now. To hot-sunbathing is more fun and we are getting Ready for a new kitchen. It will come back though

  4. Lovely to have you back posting Sam.

  5. Salut Sam
    Chevaux sauvages pour pinceaux à dompter, ça s'entend !
