Today was the deadline of my
blog-anniversary-give-away (
and the words of the "magic-hat" are :
Update with the choices :
1-David (
Lead Warriors) :
#4 Boromir
2-Phil (
"Association les Riflemens")
#2 Thorin Oakenshield with Orcrist
3-Jan Ferris (
4-Peter (
Peter's Cave ) Secret figure !
5-Francis Lee (
The Angry Lurker)
#5 Mounted Nazgul
CONGRATS TO ALL OF THEM and many thanks for those who bought a ticket,
and also welcome to the new followers !
Now you have just to choose your MITHRIL figure in this serie , email me your choice (list of 2 or 3) and your address.... that's all !
(Peter: not necessary to choose one.... I've a "special" for you !)
M89 : Beorning Lord |
2-M229 : Thorin Oakenshield (Phil) |
M125 : Gandalf |
4-M128 : Boromir (David) |
5-M146 : Mounted Nazgul (Francis) |
6- MC40 : Anborn & Gollum |
8-M137 : Celeborn |
9-M234 : Thranduil |
10-M126 : Legolas |
(all the miniatures come unpainted, without paint and brushes, etc..... !!!!!!!!)
UPDATE / I've removed the 7# because my collector friend, Séverine, doesn't have it, so I can't give this figure for the give-away ... I'm sorry but I'm sure that you will understand. Thanks !
(no change for the others they are all available!)
MISE A JOUR / J'ai enlevé le 7 # parce que mon ami collectionneur, Séverine, ne l'a pas, donc je ne peux pas donner ce chiffre pour le give-away ... Je suis désolé mais je suis sûr que vous comprendrez. Merci!
(pas de changement pour les autres: ils sont tous disponibles!)