I've just finished to paint the set "Huns" from HAT ( PSR Link ).
Not a great set !
3 sprues of 5 riders each with 3 separate arms which allow multiple combinations.... but ....
only 4 horses for 5 riders ! (total of the box : 15 riders + 12 horses ). No comment.
The sculpt is half-bad (or half-good, it depends of your mood).
The faces are ... err.... "notsculpted" ! (it's a good excuse for a lazy face-painter like me)
The details on the figures are mainly ... missing ?
( and it's 8/10 on PSR !!!!!!!!! they have never paint figures !!!
mold is 10/10 : easy when there is almost nothing to mold !! )
The poses are not bad but I recommend to try to put the riders on the horses and eventually use a kraft-knife before painting the figures because they don't seat well on the saddles !( I've always believed that Huns were excellent riders... pfffffff.... sad but I was wrong ... )
They are too tall (look at the last pictures at the bottom for comparison with the Lucky Toys "Black Huns" ), so don't expect to mix them !
No comment about the soft Hat-Plastic ... (I hate the hat-plastic, he he !)
One good point : I like the general look of those figures with their warm clothes.
But: could someone explain to me why those guys seem don't wear muffles as all right-in-the-head men should wear in their extreme conditions of life ????
I propose to do a donation for the sculptors (they are a lot !) which allows them to have some days of vacancies in Siberia ! (with horses, so they could see in the same time how are horses !)
... well , I've painted them....
for the first time, I've used (a little!) Citadel paints and I can say that it's not for me : it don't work with my usual "rustic-style" !
Pictures ?
Ok !
Let's go !
Comparison between a Hat - Huns and a Lucky-Toys - Black Huns (PSR Link)