

11 novembre 2012

"THE HOBBIT" (1) "Radagast the Brown" (MITHRIL M84)

I've finished a new MITHRIL figure....Radagast the Brown,  just some weeks before we can see another one in the new P.Jackson movie... (no comment!)
I've took some liberties with the colours, as I didn't found any description.
For me, it's an "ecological" wizard, so he wear dresses with "natural" colours like green, blue, yellow and .... brown naturally !

J'ai terminé une nouvelle figurine MITHRIL: Radagast le Brun .... seulement quelques semaines avant que nous puissions en voir un autre dans le nouveau film de P.Jackson ... (sans commentaire!)
J'ai pris quelques libertés avec les couleurs, car je n'ai pas trouvé de description.

Pour moi, c'est un  magicien
"écologique", donc il porte des vêtements aux couleurs "naturelles" comme le vert, le bleu, le jaune et .... le brun naturellement!

I want to add a "Special Mention" for a blog that I follow since many times.
It could look like a "strange" blog, but in fact it's something quite inventive!
With basics figures and sceneries, Bunkermeister  create nice stories.
Just have a look, and let a comment, I'm sure that he will be very happy!

41 commentaires:

  1. Tiens, je ne connaissais pas cette fig !
    Le bleu me dérange un peu étant donné que cette couleur me semble plutôt réservée aux deux derniers Istaris.
    J'imagine que le ton bleu-clair est pour évoquer le ciel des oiseaux de Radagast. J'aurai plutôt vu un blanc ivoire, mais ce n'est qu'une question d'interprétation !
    En tout cas, l'ensemble se marie très bien à ton fond forestier !

    1. merci!
      le bleu? ben, en fait j'ai pas trop réfléchi à sa signification! j'y suis allé au feeling, c'est tout!
      mais le ciel, ça me convient!

  2. Excellent work on the figure and wonderful background!

  3. Figurine sympathique :)
    Et il est clair que le fond lui convient parfaitement.

    1. merci Captain!
      j'avais ce fond (un petit calendrier de commerçant!) "au cas où": j'ai fini par lui trouver un usage!

  4. Lovely job Sam, great photography too.

    1. Thanks Michael!
      pictures with the good daylight .... I was lucky!

  5. very nice work. Ragast the brown was an interesting character in the LOTR he seemed quite clueless about Sarumans doings but never the less he is a wizard

    1. thanks Gowan!
      it's difficult to say what was his role in the stories, but he's here!

  6. Sweet work, Sir. Clever background!

    1. thanks Jay!
      (maybe, I could have add a pig with him? )

    2. I don't think the raven and cat would allow it.

    3. why not? a little sweet piggie could be a nice friend!

  7. Wow! Fantastic photography of a fine figure to boot. Best, Dean

  8. One of your finest pieces to date Samwise! The colour choice is perfect and that background enchanting.

    1. Thanks Anne, you know, I'm not sure to improve a lot yet... I'm not sure that my eyes and my hand will be better, maybe it's my best painting level?

  9. Nice work Sam, love the backround pic as well.

  10. good Sam, this work is lovely! I think if you had more time to devote to the scenarios would create wonderful things, I appreciate your ideas. Beautiful pictures in black and white. greetings

    1. Thanks Michele!
      I'm sure too, but it's also great to build some other works too, and a family with 2 children is also a great and difficult work!

  11. Joli travail au niveau des couleurs (et du fond)!

    1. Merci Phil.
      Pour les couleurs, je me fie d'abord à ce que j'aime et à mes sensations, bref c'est ma façon d'exprimer comment je conçois ce qui est "beau" (disons ma vision de l'esthétisme...)

  12. Bon travail Sam ,et il est vrais que le décor donne super bien avec cette figurine .

    1. merci Captain! j'ai déjà (plus haut) écrit pourquoi elle était comme ça, je l'aime bien avec son décor aussi.

  13. Very nice work and wonderful background! And thanks to the links about Mithril. It was great fun to look through. Especially to see how much they could be worth. And I do regret now that I didn't buy the female bandit when I had the chance. :-D

    1. Thanks Gunnar!
      they have very nice figures, I like the GW LoTR too, but they are not on the same way, so it's pleasant to paint both.
      If you want some special figures, mail me, I'm sure that I could find them, not always expensive, and maybe cheap... the female bandit ( M194 ) ? could be found.... let me search...

    2. Sorry, I took the wrong figure. Already have the bandit. It was the female ranger (M16) that should have been fun to have. :-D I think that 5 shoeboxes with Mithril figs can be enough for a while, but thanks. Right now I have to paint all my Valdemar before I order new stuff. Plan to order some from Thomarillion (thanks for the link).

  14. If you could have it, you could be quite rich!
    (average price: 300€ !!)
    Thomarillion is for 28mm scale! but maybe some buildings could be good for 1/72 ?
    and don't forget: I'm always interested with your MITHRIL figs! (even if I think that I have them all yet)

  15. Réponses
    1. Thanks Dez!
      but do you like the figure too ?

    2. I do, especially the beautiful petroleum blue on his undergarment.

    3. I'm comforted!
      I like this blue too: I use it many times (that's always what I do with the colours I like...)

  16. Hey Sam, David here!
    I finally did those posters for Alban. They are on my site now. By the way, great work with the skin tone on the figure here, looks quite life like. Tell me what you think of the posters, I hope Alban likes them. Regards David

    1. Many thanks David!
      Alban is very happy! and they are both amazing and funny!
      I will do a next post about "The Hobbit" (book!) and will add your gifts.

  17. Now that's a nice figure Pascal! Very good painted and nice choice of colours!


  18. Thanks Peter!
    (even if I think that your comment is not very "blabla", it's a nice one !)
