Dark Alliance 72034 "Orc Catapult" + 1 Troll from the set 72031 War Trolls (set 2)
You know what ?
It seems that I'm unable to build correctly a model even with only 6 pieces !!!!!!!!!
For the orcs, I don't know why but one of the figures is missing. An the one with the whip is not good ...
I've sold one sprue of the box, possibly I've made a mistake ?
So I didn't have the sitting orc for the catapult ...
Nevertheless,I'm quite happy to have painted a whole set of figures in a so short time !
Not a great paint job but I've decided that they were finished...
Let's go for the pictures !
... and a second post in a month !!
It seems that I'm the good way !
More to come very soon !