

30 septembre 2013


Another Crooked Dice figure ! (Captain Jim Barrowhight !)
a very good one even if it took me about 3 hours to paint him !!
The pictures are not good enough (too much white balance with my camera....), but I think that they are sufficient to show the result . I must confess  that I'm quite satisfied with my work!

For those who don't know the Tv-Serie Torchwood: it's a spin-off of Doctor Who.
A very good one with unusual characters, great scenarios and darker than the Doctor Who serie.
We like both!
Captain Jack Harckness appears in D. Who and the Doctor and some of his female partner appears in Torchwood.
Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who !!

.... stop !! pictures!!

and also a "family-group" picture !

Une autre figurine Crooked Dice (Captain Jim Barrowhight!)
Une très bon même si cela m'a pris environ 3 heures pour le peindre!
Les photos ne sont pas assez bonnes (trop de balance des blancs avec mon appareil photo ....), mais je pense qu'elles sont suffisantes pour montrer le résultat. Je dois avouer que je suis assez satisfait de mon travail!
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas la Série-Tv Torchwood: il s'agit d'un spin-off de Doctor Who.
Une très bonne série avec des personnages insolites, de grands scénarios et plus sombre que la série Doctor Who. Nous aimons les deux!
Le Capitaine Jack Harckness apparaît dans D. Who et le Docteur et certaines de ses partenaires apparaissent dans Torchwood.......

28 septembre 2013

Bloody Troll !!!

I'm sorry but I must delete a second time my post "Dalec and Cydernam" (I've changed the names to be be sure that the words can't be tracked )
The Bot- Troll is always here and my statistics are crazy !
I'm not completely a stats-fan but it's always interesting to see what subjects seem to be more or less seen.
I will be very fast to 60 000 pages views, but it's artificial and not true !
The post has reached more than 1500 views, about 4 or 5 x the number of the other articles !!

I was plenty sure that the 60K could be reached for the 2nd anniversary of my blog ( or even at the 55th of Sam !) and it was quite fun !

Really sorry for the disagreement!
I will post again pictures of the Aliens (and maybe some others...) and the angels in other posts about the famous BBC serie.

Many thanks to you!


21 septembre 2013

DOCTOR WHO : Rose Tyler and the TARDIS !

After the 10th Doctor , its time to show his first nice fellow in the new series produced by the BBC since 2005.
I don't want to tell you the story of Rose, because it's too long and because I don't want to publish "spoilers" ! (and you are all able to find on the web more infos that I could give you here!)

This figure, called "Daisy Taylor" is from  Crooked Dice

I've paint also the TARDIS from  Ainsty Casting
Before painting it, I've just made a "wood effect" with small cuts with a cutter.
(I've not placed the signs on it.... because I don't which technical I could use ! )

and a "family picture" to close this post:

I've missed in the precedent posts about the Doctor to mention some (better!) works :

Ray  ( "Don't Throw a 1" ) : Daleks

Ferret ( "Laughing Ferret" ) : Daleks, Doctors, etc.....

Paul ( "Paul's Bods" ) and also here and here :  Daleks and more

I wanted also talk about my "problems" with bots/spam and worth that I have on my blog... but, all what I've read about that don't give me solutions so, I think that I will just mention some Bad Orcs that you could encounter , many of them seem to increase completely the Statistics which has grown artificially !
I've detected also one blog ("Mini-Fig") on my blog-roll which is completely invaded by a bot (HP printer I think), I've deleted it but I don't know if it has any impact on my stats!

Another thing:it seems that only one post is really attacked. I think that I will try to delete (and save) it and then publish it again a few days later. Sorry for the comments, but they will disappear ...

See you soon .... with some news !

15 septembre 2013


I'm painting some figures relative to the Dr Who BBC Tv-series for ...the fun and also for the family collection !
The first one of this range of figures is the 10th Doctor, performed by the the great actor David Tennant in the 2d, 3d and 4th seasons. In my opinion it's the best one, even if the 9th (Christopher Eccleston) was a very good Doctor too!

The figure, called "Doctor Hugh", is from Heresy Miniatures .

 Some more figures (Dalek and Cyberman) on a precedent post: here
Je peins quelques figurines relatives à la série de la BBC, Doctor Who, pour ... le plaisir et aussi pour la collection de la famille!
La première de cette série est le 10ème Docteur, interprété par le grand acteur David Tennant dans les saisons 2, 3 et 4. À mon avis, c'est le meilleur, même si le 9ème (Christopher Eccleston) est très bon aussi!
La figurine, appelé "Docteur Hugh", est de
  Heresy Miniatures .

07 septembre 2013

"HURON HUT" (BUM #2007)

Some times ago, I've made a review of this set (here) and I've painted some parts of it.
Just the Hut and 2 Hurons + a big pile of trunks. The rest of the set is waiting.... not sure that I will paint it.

(I've used the scenery that I've done before for "The Lost New World" .)

Il ya quelque temps, j'ai fait une revue de ce set (here) et j'ai peint certaines parties. Juste la cabane et 2 Hurons + un gros tas de troncs. Le reste est en attente .... pas sûr que je vais le peindre.
(J'ai utilisé le décor que j'ai fait
auparavant pour 
"The Lost New World" ).

04 septembre 2013

"TLNW NEWS" : Chapter 3 of "The Lost New World" in online !! "THE BOW and the Arrow" !

C'est fait!!!
Le Chapitre 3 de cette épique histoire ( vraie! ) est enfin sur vos écrans!!
Ne ratez pas la suite palpitante des Aventures du Capitaine Ciel !!!

That's done!
The Chapter 3 of this
(true!) epic story is finally on your screens!
Do not miss the thrilling sequel of The
Captain Ciel's Adventures !