

30 avril 2014

Hey ! it's Monksday, today ! Monks Challenge III (APRIL)

This month, I've 2 monks painted !

The first one is from the set Linear-b "Age of Tudors" (PSR link) :

The second one is from Valdemar "War Council" (Fredericus Rex link ):

Edit :
An other "challenger" for the Monk'Month : 
again Stéphane of the "Au Bord du Fleuve":


28 avril 2014

Medieval Church - DAPOL -

I'm not a model builder, but sometimes I try to do some easy ones!
The Dapol Medieval Church is Ho Scale so it's a little too small for 1/72 .
No matter, I've a church for my monks, that's the most important !

some pictures :

just for the scale and the fun !

22 avril 2014

"RUN SHADOWFAX ! RUN !!!" ..... in memoriam.

Maybe you know that the beautiful horse who played "Shadowfax" in the LoTR movies is dead in April 2014. His name was Blanco.
In memory, I've decided to paint the marvellous MITHRIL figure of "Gandalf The White on Shadowfax" (LT1) .
Not an easy work : almost all is white !! But a great satisfaction at the end, as I'm happy of the result !
I've done a lot of pictures with different backgrounds, all in daylight.

 Peut-être savez-vous que le magnifique cheval qui a interprété "Shadowfax" dans les films du Seigneur des Anneaux est mort en Avril 2014. Son  nom était Blanco. En mémoire, j'ai décidé de peindre la merveilleuse figurine MITHRIL de "Gandalf Le Blanc sur Shadowfax" (LT1). Pas un travail facile: presque tout est blanc! Mais une grande satisfaction à la fin, parce que je suis content du résultat! J'ai fait beaucoup de photos avec différents fonds, tout en lumière du jour. 

some links :
and the Facebook Page of Cynthia Royal , the owner of Blanco.

another tribute to Blanco :
"Hits to Kill" (Darcy Perry)

20 avril 2014

WAR OF THE RING (WOTR) figures ! (unpainted!)

I've  bought some time ago a big lot of WOTR figures. (5o$ for 100 figures)
Like you can see, they are not especially master pieces but some could be used with other fantasy 1/72 figures... and they are a nice touch for an old Tolkien's fan collector !

I want to mention 1Mac from " Cheap Fantasy Minis "   who gave me the idea to search those strange figures.

the whole lot (except the 8 Nazguls):

details and comparisons :

cavalrymen (elves - men ) and a 1/72 Norman 

Minas Thiris (x2) Rohirrim


Dwarves (the dark Grey from the Heroes range) Caesar Dwarves for comparison

Men  -Norman Kamar

Nazguls (Caesar Adventurer for the size)

UPDATE / ELF !!!   -Caesar Orc

The Fellowship ! ("Heroes" range )

the other figures of the "Heroes" range ...

Men with Caesar Adventurer for comparison

"Heroes" : I suppose The Witch King and Theoden ?
Caesar Adventurer "Wizard" and both wizards of the "Heroes" range
the figure identified as a Orc is an Elf !!! 
many thanks to Barks ! have a look at his blog for the WoTR figures he have painted : 

13 avril 2014


I've painted some figures in the last days !!! (yeah !!!)
I really like this little set of "Medieval Children" from Valdemar Miniatures (Fredericus Rex : Here)
I've not glued some figures like the child jumping on the back of his father because I'm not sure yet of what I will do with them !

 J'ai peint quelques figurines ces derniers jours! (ouais!!!!)
J'aime vraiment ce petit set 
"Medieval Children" de Valdemar Miniatures.
Je n'ai pas collé certaines figurines comme l'enfant sautant sur le dos de son père parce que je ne suis pas encore sûr de ce que je vais en faire!

01 avril 2014

My Hobby Room : some changes ...

Hey my friends !
Like it's not sure that I will stay in my actual house in the future, I've begun to put in order all my stuffs. I try to rid myself of some old things also and like I've sold my figures furniture, I'd to re-organized all my Hobby Room !
It will be also easier when I will have to leave home ....

Before it was like that :

and  ... now it's like that :

I've just to take the crates ....
Comme il n'est pas sûr que je vais rester dans ma maison actuelle à l'avenir, j'ai commencé à mettre en ordre toutes mes affaires. J'essaie de me débarrasser de certaines vieilles choses aussi et comme j'ai vendu mon meuble à figurines, j'ai dû réorganiser tout mon bureau  !
Ce sera aussi plus facile quand je vais avoir à quitter la maison ....

... and I've forgotten to write that :
My french friend Stéphane-"Mehapito" has posted his entry for the Monkth Challenge !! It's here :
Many thanks Stéphane !!