I've bought some time ago a big lot of WOTR figures. (5o$ for 100 figures)
Like you can see, they are not especially master pieces but some could be used with other fantasy 1/72 figures... and they are a nice touch for an old Tolkien's fan collector !
I want to mention
1Mac from
" Cheap Fantasy Minis " who gave me the idea to search those strange figures.
the whole lot (except the 8 Nazguls):
details and comparisons :
cavalrymen (elves - men ) and a 1/72 Norman |
Minas Thiris (x2) Rohirrim |
Elves |
Dwarves (the dark Grey from the Heroes range) Caesar Dwarves for comparison |
Men -Norman Kamar |
Nazguls (Caesar Adventurer for the size) |
UPDATE / ELF !!! -Caesar Orc |
The Fellowship ! ("Heroes" range ) |
the other figures of the "Heroes" range ... |
Men with Caesar Adventurer for comparison |
"Heroes" : I suppose The Witch King and Theoden ? |
Caesar Adventurer "Wizard" and both wizards of the "Heroes" range |
the figure identified as a Orc is an Elf !!!
many thanks to Barks ! have a look at his blog for the WoTR figures he have painted :
These blue figures are all Good- that's an elf next to your Caesar orc. Have fun painting them! http://wargamingwithbarks.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/wotr-day-11-elves.html
RépondreSupprimerThanks Barks for the link and the help !
SupprimerI'm not sure that I will do the job you've done for yours !
Cela en fait des petites choses à peindre !
RépondreSupprimer... je n'en peindrai pas beaucoup, et à coup sûr pas avant un moment...
RépondreSupprimerBuenas minis y buena las comparación
Un saludo
They look very nice...more 1/76th than 1/72nd but in a Fantasy world , who cares?
RépondreSupprimerI think that the "heroes" could be good with the Caesar Fantasy but the cavalry is really small!
SupprimerMaybe some Hobbits playing the Lord of the Rings ???
Great purchase Pascal! The figures look very nice!
Peter : they are more an addition to my collection !
SupprimerMaybe I will try to paint some of them... but not yet !
Nice figures Sam!
RépondreSupprimerDo you want to paint them, Francis ? too much for me !
SupprimerGreat photos! The comparisons are very helpful.
RépondreSupprimerI know one of the "dark knight" figures is the Voice of Sauron. The "Creative" gallery for the game at Board Game Geek is very cool and may help in identifying the figures. Link.
Thanks for the comment !
SupprimerThe link is very useful !
I hope I will get some special figures in the future ... just for my collection !
Wow, wow, wow, that's a lot of figures.
RépondreSupprimeryes too much !
SupprimerSome nice looking mini's there =)
RépondreSupprimerSome if them are interesting, the others are funny !
SupprimerNe seraient-ce pas les pions d'un jeu du genre Risk-SdA ou un truc dans le genre ?
RépondreSupprimerEn tout cas, tu as du boulot devant toi ;)
Oui effectivement, mon cher Stéphane !
Supprimermais pourriez-vous être plus précis dans votre réponse, s'il vous plait ?
ding-dong !
Ah quel dommage !!!
alors la réponse était simple (si, si !! ): il s'agit d'un jeu de plateau : "War of The Ring" plus connu sous le nom de WoTR. plus de 200 figurines représentant les différents protagonistes de la Guerre de l'Anneau .
Pour te faire une idée :
... il va de soi que je ne les peindrai pas toutes !!!
SupprimerCollection avant tout !
...quoique les Hobbits et les nains me tentent bien ...
They are nice little figures. The boardgame itself 'War of the Ring' that they are from is a great game too!
RépondreSupprimerYou have some beautiful castings here, but boy do you have your hands full, one hundred miniatures...
Nice Fantasy Figures Sam.I like them all...........Beano Boy
RépondreSupprimerThanks Scott, Jan and Paul !
RépondreSupprimerI'm not a gamer so I will not use them for playing !
Maybe I will paint some just for fun if I find time to do it!
I've received today some other figures with 3 new ones : Balrog, Ent and Lord of the Nazguls.
I would like to find some "bad guys" , like the orcs in wargs which look very nice....
... "orcs ON wargs" ! of course !
SupprimerThe bad guy figures are pretty nice. The orcs match well with Caesar, and the wargs match well with Dark Alliance. I'm on the lookout for an Ent, and Galadriel myself.
RépondreSupprimerI would like to have orcs ...
SupprimerI've found an Ent, a Balrog, Galadriel and the Lord of the Nazgul ! plus another set of "heroes" !
Hi Sam
RépondreSupprimerWhere do you buy WOTR figures? I bought a second hand board game, and I need the 3 silver figures representing the Minions of the Shadow (the mouth of Sauron, the witch kinh andSaruman). Can you help me? please
Sorry XiMe ! I've just seen your message today !
SupprimerI've found them on ebay (a good deal!) but I don't know if it's possible to find them easily and unfortunately, I'm not sure that I've several samples of those special figures.
I will have a look tomorrow in the "secret box" !