

27 mars 2012

Horses conversions, Mithril, and more.....

I've posted here some trails of horses conversions :
I've partially painted them:

I'd tried to do better ones, and I think that the result is a little better
(sorry for the bad pictures: the black gives some gloss ...)

....and like I was curious to see some figures of LOTR Mithril (28mm), I bought this ones:
A Hobbit scout on poney and Radagast:
not the best figures I'd ever seen but they have something nice!

....and more??

yes, I will share with you the music I like!
I begin with my preferred song: 
Neil Young (the great!) 
"The Needle and the Damage Done"

that's all, mates!

24 mars 2012

(WIP) Pilgrims moving towards the Holyland-STRELETS-

I used for this work a selection of figures from STRELETS and LINEAR-b :
I know that it could seems surprising to use those sets for a Medieval project, but they were the only ones I found for doing a small range of civilians pilgrims moving towards the Holyland ! 
(and I like to paint Strelets figures!)
It's not a finished work...
more to see ..... soon!


J'ai utilisé pour ce travail une sélection de figurines de chez STRELETS et LINEAR-b:
"Roman Transport (1)» et "Roman Transport (2)"

Je sais que cela peut sembler surprenant d'utiliser ces sets pour un projet médiéval, mais ils étaient les seuls que j'ai trouvé pour faire une petite gamme de pèlerins en marche vers la Terre Sainte! 
(et j'aime peindre des figurines Strelets!)

Ce n'est pas un travail fini ...
plus à voir ..... bientôt!

17 mars 2012

How to fight "Blogger Robots-Fighter"!!!!!!!!!

Spring is Coming!

I've found on this blog:  J.A.Bennett  a very good and easy tutorial :

How to Turn Off Word Verification on Blogger 

many thanks to him!

so now every one can post here without those b*****y words!

J'ai trouvé
sur ce blog: JABennett un très bon tutoriel et facile:
"Comment faire pour désactiver les vérifications des commentaires sur Blogger"
un grand merci à lui!
alors maintenant
tout le monde peut poster ici sans ces fichus mots !

After this long Winter:

many thanks to all the members who joined "Sam's Minis World" !!!

In my Blog Roll, you can find some very nice blogs with very kind bloggers....

12 mars 2012


...... not really good ones, but it's a trail !
I need a small range of Strelets Order Knights and the problem is that the horses of the original sets don't have blankets!
So I decided to add some ones with paper-handkerchiefs and wood glue (diluted)
(honesty, in my opinion it's not good, so I'll try to do some more for improving the technique!)

here are the results:

I tried also to do something I've never done: change a head of a horse!!
The figure I used is this one (STRELETS "Army of Henry V ")
with the head of a generic Strelets horse:

 I'll use too some others horses from different STRELETS sets...
 More to see soon (I hope!)
Click on a picture to see larger ones!

07 mars 2012


quick shots of the set: "Apache Warriors" Waterloo 1815....
I don't comment the figures: I've done it in previous messages!(see here)
I'm sorry but the pictures are bad: I don't took them in daylight!!!
(maybe, I'll re-do better ones as soon as possible!)

03 mars 2012

Normans (STRELETS) another duel...

I post it to show my first duel on Benno's ("Knights on horse duel"): 
I've won but honesty, I'm not sure that my work was better than my duellist's one! 
(Sasha/Zed1 : Zed's Napoleonics)

Since this duel I did some new pictures in daylight: